5 comments on “Good Bye Winter Hello Springter and Where is Done Day Already

  1. Not just snowiest in a long time out here in WNY, but coldest too. That's probably the most aggravating aspect. Lately the highs are several degrees below the average lows for this time of year.

  2. Haha, actually, I recently got a job in mapping right now, in East Syracuse off of Bridge Street. So it is a step in the right direction for sure. Since I just started not too long ago, I'm not really looking into going elsewhere right now. But I'll probably look around to see what options there are elsewhere. I'm happy where I am right now, but it would be silly of me to not check for other possibilities.

    Thanks though! 🙂

  3. Lol to your forecasts Stephen )p You do deserve credit which is why I mention your name everytime 🙂

    I always mention that you're a grad from State with your degree and about the forecasts plus the cool stats you come up with. If CNN ever calls I already have it planned to mention you so you can get on their show where you have 30 seconds to sell yourself for a job in mapping :)))

  4. Great job Pat! I guess you'll just have to do a live interview sometime, like you did with The Weather Channel some odd years ago, for me to get any credit out there! Heh.

    Which is fine, by the way. The way my forecasts have gone this season, I'm not sure I deserve any credit!

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