First Off as always a big Thank You to Alison S. for your donation to the website. They help out a Whole lot with the cost and time spent on the site. I truly appreciate it Alison and Thanks again Like you mentioned, the site is here to have some fun and to help pass the season by.
Updated 3/30 7 PM – The evening snow totals just came out from the National Weather Service and The Golden Snowball contest just got a whole lot closer.
Buffalo ended up picking up 5.6 inches of new snow between last night and today. Buffalo has cut the lead that Syracuse had down to only 2.9 inches. No doubt this race is going to the end of the season. It may be the summer season but it’s going down to the end of one of the seasons
3/30 3:00 PM – As of the last update Buffalo is now only 4.8 inches away from storming the snow hill to tie Syracuse and just 4.9 inches away to be crowned King of the Golden Snowball Contest.
It seems like every time Syracuse has built up a decent lead this season Buffalo comes right back with a vengeance. I’ve been telling people for the last month or so not to count Buffalo out of the snow contest this season. Buffalo has stayed within at least a foot or so of Syracuse and normally when Syracuse gets that big of a lead they find a storm to tap into. In the voice of Ronald Reagan, “Well, There You Go Again” Buffalo
Both Buffalo and Rochester tapped into this last storm that missed Syracuse and the other GSB cities picking up some decent snow for this time in the season. So far and most likely there will be more to add Buffalo has added another 3.7 inches to move them up to 126.8 inches on the season. Rochester picked up 4.8 inches of new snow to move their totals up to 108.5 on the season.
Buffalo also still has a real shot at taking the top spot in the National snow contest at . Buffalo has been holding on to the #3 spot on the snow mountain for awhile now right behind Syracuse and Erie, PA. Good Luck Buffalo
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody!
I think buffalo will be pulling off an April snowstorm miracle this year to win at the buzzer! I’m ready for spring to start.. But I’ll suffer through another 3 inches to beat out cuse!
Hey General, long time no see.. I would suffer too for just a few inches more. This is the first time in awhile where Buffalo has a real shot at winning the trophy. Good Luck and no snow dances, we still remember what happened the last time