I know it’s only April and we technically still have a potential 4 more weeks of winter, but I’m ready for spring and summer to get here. You know it’s been a long winter when a snow lover like myself has had enough. Only made it to 35 today but I spent most of my day off outside doing some yard work and man oh man did it feel GREAT to get out and soak up some sun for a couple hours. Probably the best I’ve felt in a few months, the short days (light wise), the cold, and days after days of clouds really start to wear you down mentally over the winter months.
Barring any suprises in the next 2 weeks I’m thinking the standings are pretty well locked up even though it wouldn’t take much to rattle the top 3 places. Personally I’m content with the snow being over for another year. Get out there and soak up some of those wonderful sunny rays everyone!
Sure is pat.
I think it’s about time for a snow dance after that post General ;p