One comment on “A Fundraiser for a Young Man – Cystic Fibrosis

  1. My great nephew Owen has just been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. he is 9 months old.

    The family will be having an inspector in to go through their home in order to identify areas that need to be upgraded/changed to make it comfortable and livable for Owen. This includes changing the ductwork, installing air conditioning, removing all carpets and other irritants in the home, including any areas of mildew etc. The costs to this young family are great.

    I wanted to organize a fundraiser, but wasn’t really sure how to go about it and saw your notice on your site.

    Please send me any information you can about your fundraiser, how you organized it, what help you had, things I need to know.

    I was thinking of a pancake breakfast with Santa probably in mid-November. I thought it would appeal to young families and the local community so they can come out to support one of their own.

    Another nephew of mine is in a band and has agreed to make his band available to play at any event we organize.

    Thank you for any help/direction you can give me,

    Patricia Robb

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