There hasn’t been much to post about lately with the weather being the way it’s been buttttt… That is about to change and has already changed in Buffalo. I just saw a picture that was posted showing it is snowing pretty good in Buffalo right now. Buffalo is less than 3 inches away from Syracuse, the current King of The Snow Hill. Only 2.8 inches separates them right now. Both cities are expecting snow today which is hard to believe after the warm weekend we just had.
Can Buffalo overtake Syracuse and finally get a win under their snow belt? Right now it’s just rain in the Syracuse area but that is expected to change over to wet snow in a couple of hours. I’ll have to look back but I think if Buffalo can get ahead of Syracuse that this would be the latest comeback since the Golden Snowball contest was started up again. Don’t quote me on that though. Stay tuned and look for an update later on when some snow stats start coming out.
Have an Awesome Day All
How much snow did Syracuse officially pick up this past snow?
Sorry for the late response Frank and I could have sworn I added that to the totals
took some time off to work on some other sites. Syracuse only picked up 3 tenths of an inch looking back. Buffalo is still hanging in there.
Speaking as a SUNY Buffalo alum, shouldn’t Buffalo get some cred and bonus pts for being up 50+ inches over the last yr’s total?
Has the annual percent increase or decrease of annual snowfall, ever been considered as a portion of the criterion when selecting the winner?
Not a chance SUNY. Buffalo is doing awesome this season compared to the last few snow seasons. But giving Buffalo credit would be like awarding them for having a Florida snow season last season. I still think Buffalo has a shot at winning this season with the cold air still around us