LATE NIGHT – The stats are posted and are now official. Buffalo has the first lead change of the season bumping Binghamton down to second place. Go Buffalo!!!
Earlier – The General (from Buffalo) and ZR800 (Rochester) both reported that the snow was falling this morning and it’s about time that both of those cities finally get on the snow board. WTG!
Buffalo is doing it in style by most likely jumping right into the lead for the first time this season. After reading around it’s looking like they have started their snow season on December 1st with 5.8 inches of snow. That’s what it is looking like according to some unofficial stats that NOAA does have up. The official stats should be out later. Most likely Buffalo will also be in the top 10 in the new contest of snowiest cities in the US. That is at least until I find all of the snow stats for the US cities with a population of 100,000 or more.
Rochester it looks like will be on the snow board when the official stats come out later also. 1.6 inches which is enough for them to pass Syracuse I believe and take over the 3rd place spot. Both Buffalo and Rochester stats were as of 7:00 am this morning so the snow stats may go up if any other snow fell since then.

Binghamton along with DaCuse probably have nothing to show but maybe a trace to a couple of tenths of snow. The snow was all around here but I think it may have stayed a bit further to the north and west of both cities. Look for the official totals a little later.
Steven put out another forecast for a couple of areas on the new site at He did a great job IMO with his first snow cast only missing by one city which was Bingo. Check it out at It’s pretty interesting as to how he is doing it.
Have a Great Day Everyone!