23 comments on “Snow Lovers and Haters Opinions Needed

  1. I think snow definitely gives me a better sense of humor. Even if classes don’t get canceled, I usually end up having a lot of fun with the whole situation…even just with snow predictions.

    Most of my friends are Meteorology students, like myself, and really love the snow. My family on the other hand…not so much. Though, they have the same opinion as one of the previous posters…it’s better than hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc.

    Playing in the snow does help a little bit, but what helps greatly has nothing to do with snow: basketball, in particular college.

    As long as I don’t have to shovel it, I’m fine with snow for as long as it falls. Once I have to shovel though, then I’m ready for it to stop.

    Being in Pennsylvania for school, there really isn’t much I like about the winters here. It’s just cold and doesn’t snow that much. I think that’s what I like most about the Upstate NY winters…at least we get a good amount of snow to go with the cold. I mean, if it’s going to be cold, it might as well snow every now and then. It just seems nicer to have snow than not if it’s cold outside.

  2. Q.Does it put you in a better mood when it’s snowing out or does the snow get you down a little bit or a lot.

    A. I love the look of snow, especially when it is sunny the days after a big snow/ice storm. The “magic” of Christmas is spread from October to March every year. What gets depressing is winters when the weather can’t make up it’s mind and we end up with muddy slush, as well as prolonged periods without any sunshine.

    Q. Does it have an affect on our sense of humor during the snow season? How about your family or friends?

    A. Driving is definitely interesting. We often compare with friends and family how many times we fishtailed on a given car ride or how many times we hit paches of black ice. Stories about slipping and falling on our bums in large crowds of people (and how many people we took down with us) are always good for a laugh, because everyone can relate. I think you have to have a sense of humor, because otherwise you would just stay locked up, too afraid to drive or walk anywhere.

    Q. What helps you to get by during the snowy months? Playing in it or just trying to avoid it completely.

    A. There are so many snowy months that I think we have learned to just live with it like normal. My routine doesn’t change in the winter – I exercise indoors instead of walking on the Erie Canal, but otherwise not much changes. Obviously you avoid blizzards (they’re a good excuse to get housework done and lounge around your house), but overall life goes on as normal.

    Q. When is it enough for you? In other words come the first snowfall is enough already or can you deal with it much longer.

    A. I can deal with it for much longer. What I hate the most is when winter starts changing into spring, and it goes back and forth between snow and a slushy, mucky, muddy mess. As long as it stays cold and white, I’m good until about March/early April.

    Q. What do you like about our winters or for a couple of you what don’t you like about the snow?

    A. The beauty of the white, the crisp air (as long as the wind chill stays above 0 degrees F), winter activities (sledding, skiing).

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