donations to site

All posts tagged donations to site

First off a big Thanks to Brian N for your donation to the site.  It means a lot and helps out a lot also.  Thanks Brian 🙂

It was Buffalo by a flake a couple of days ago then Rochester slipped past them for the lead and as of now it’s Syracuse on top of the snow hill.  WTG Syracuse 🙂

What is really standing out right now other than all of the lead changes and how close the snow contest is so far is Albany.  Look at Albany’s totals so far for the season, about double their normal snow totals for this time of year and more than 16 inches above what they had last season at this time.  No doubt it would be a shocker if Albany ever won the contest 😉

It’s been snowing off and on here in the Syracuse area so there will be more snow to add to their totals.  Is any of the other cities getting snow?

Have a Great Day All – See Snow, Drive Slow 😉