5 comments on “The First Snowfall in Syracuse

  1. That’s OK, I don’t know where the Snow God is at the moment, it’s not in the closet where I thought I left it. (“Pardon me- has anyone seen a small, cylindrical god…about yea high…?”)

  2. NYCO, NOOO!!! It’s too early for the Snow God. Can you at least give me til the end of next week to get the leaves raked 🙂

    Mike thanks and it’s fun keeping up, most of the time anyways. The link I use at NOAA just give the individual daily report which updates 2 or 3 times during the day and night. For Syracuse the link is at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/productview.php?pil=BGMCLISYR . I’m pretty sure they may have the individual days by month but it will take me some time to find the links I have. There was a great site that had awesome stats but it’s no longer updated 🙁 I’ll see what I can dig up in the mean time someone hopefully will beat me to it.

  3. Hey Patrick – I enjoy looking at this site. It makes a sort of gam out of the snowfall, and puts a positive face on it.

    Could you tell me where you get the “Average Year to Date” statistics? I’d like to look at those for the full year.

    Thanks, Mike

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