I think it’s time to say enough already or make that not enough already. With Syracuse being in last place and all of the other cities with the exception of Albany having a pitiful snow season it was time. Time to do a snow dance and this may have been the earliest in the season that it has been preformed.
The snow dance took place last evening and as always it was done in a remote location under strict secrecy. Now it’s a matter of wait and see what happens With the lack of snowfall this season and the weather patterns that CNY has been on I’m thinking that if nothings changed in the next 72 hours or so it probably didn’t work. Normally I do a snow dance just for Syracuse to try and stay ahead of the competition, Buffalo, Rochester and Binghamton. Albany who
This one was done for all of the cities so it may take a little longer to see some of that fluffy white stuff start to fall. Let’s hope not though.
I’m still hoping to here from Ellen to see if the Snow God has been taken out of hybernation. Hopefully the Snow God can get something going. If it works maybe I should start charging the ski slopes, snow mobiles, sledders and other snow enthusiasts a little kick back to do the dance. It might even be time to turn the Pajamas inside out and do a few more snowfall rituals to get this season going. Lets just keep our fingers crossed and hope the first snow dance works.
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Have a Super week all
It’s all good! Just giving you some grief. Sorry if it came across harsh. Love the website.
No problem CuseLaw! I was ticked at myself that Syracuse finally gets something and I forgot to put the stats up. All good here too
Sorry CuseLaw, I meant to update it yesterday when the national weather service posted the stats, before I went out and forgot all about it.
Keep up the blog or pass it off! You’re as far behind as the snow!