11 comments on “The Halfway Mark is Near!

  1. By all means, Buffalo is welcome to their record! I think it’s time for the snow machine in Syracuse to shut off!

  2. Anon, one thing I’ve noticed the last several years is that unless the word blizzard is mentioned it seems the bread and milk is still on the shelves. Could be they just keep more in stock though.

    The road crews definitely do a great job around here which I know is different in other states to the south just from talking to people. They might not be out during the big storms but normally once the storm starts winding down the roads are clean in no time. A cold spell is on the way so it will be interesting to see how we all handle the most likely below zero temps for a couple/few days. So far everyone seems to be taking this winter in stride and I really haven’t heard much complaining. Of course if it drags on thru March I’m sure the attitudes will change. Thanks for the post and enjoy the nice SC weather.

  3. Ya know, I useta live in Syracuse (or is it Snowacuse?!?!?), but finally moved to Myrtle Beach, SC. I have been here 12 years, and received a grand total of 7″ in all that time, 4″ of it in one massive snowfall (tongue-in-cheek!). These Southerners get into such a panic when snow is in the forecast that all the bread, milk and water disappears from the store shelves in about 6 minutes after the pronouncement is heard, and it never lasts more than a few hours once it falls. So far this year, we have had some at freezing temps, but nothing to sneeze at compared to what you are experi-encing and I guess we are conceding that you will get more snow than we will. Have a great year, and keep the interesting reports coming!!


  4. Oh Sean, and Congratulations to Seamus on taking 1st place in the Oratorical. Awesome and I read at your forum about all of the hard work he puts into it 😉

  5. Sean and Anon, isn’t it weird how we want every 10th of an inch that we deserve. For me I think it comes down to when I shovel I don’t want to think that just 4 or 6 inches of snow just kicked my butt and wiped me out 😉 That said you probably did get the 8 – 10 inches Sean. More below on that.

    Anyways, the stats were from earlier this morning and were mostly for what fell yesterday excluding all of the snow from after midnight in Syracuse and some of the overnight snow for Buffalo and the Rock. I just did another update on the stats which added a bit more snow to all of the totals.

    Sean, I measured 6 inches at my house but it was a late measurement with the sun out so some of it would have settled. Probably about 7 inches at my house. I was looking at the radar last night and a decent band was right over your neck of the woods in the city and just clipping my area which was an awesome downfall BTW. Probably 2 – 3 inches an hour at the time. That may have just missed the airport. I think it all evens out in the long run personally. With the nor Easters some of the time the airport doesn’t get as much as we do. Then again if it’s LES they may get a little more. From the west it’s a matter of a shift to the north or south. As for the 100 inch mark we’ll be hitting it soon 😉

    Anon, Most likely the Democrat and Chronicle’s numbers are right but NOAA hasn’t officially posted them yet. I’m sure they are going by NOAA stats also. If not then their numbers don’t matter but I know them and if they were speaking with Steve McLaughlin then those are NOAA’s stats 😉

    As I mentioned the numbers were from earlier today and the latest stats that I just posted for Rochester would be as of 4:00 PM. The stats for Syracuse were as of 10:00 PM. These are Official numbers from NOAA that come out 3 times a day. The next snow update out of Buffalo which will be for Buffalo and Rochester I think will be out between 4 am and 5 am. The next update from Binghamton NOAA will be out some time around 12:30 am – 1:30 am. There are hourly reports that come out for all of the cities but they seem to get revised every now and then. As much as I would like to update every time one comes out it just isn’t practical but will often update it a couple times a day when snow is in the air 🙂

  6. pat –

    i’ve got to tell you: i live in the city, near onondaga hill, and there is no way we only got 4 inches of snow last night. i’d say it was more like 8 to 10. usually, i feel as if the airport gets more than we do – but there have been repeated instances this year where we’ll get significant snow and the shart will only go up by a few inches. i honestly believe, if the measurements were being done on this side of the city, we might be over 100 inches.


  7. Steve, Ut Oh to the snow dance in Buffalo. Can you give the Buffalonians a warning so they have time to bring in the outdoor items when the hurricane winds come 🙂 Ummm, I see you have revised the snow dance. Maybe they should start building an ark? All kidding aside I still think there is still plenty of time left for Buffalo to get back in the race even though Syracuse is sitting pretty right now. Welcome back BTW and hurry up with that snow dance would ya.

    ZR, keep it coming. I’m not sure what I have outside right now but a guess would be probably about the same. I’ll take a measurement when I head out to shovel. Last season was almost a run away and it eneded up being pretty close. Hopefully it will be the same this season 🙂

    Jill, congrats on the sunshine derby 😉 I actually talked with Maki Becker who wrote that article the day before it came out and will blog about it this week. To be honest I was surprised that either of us have that many sunny days and it blew my mind away when she mentioned Orlando having less sunny days. IMO something all of western/central New York should start promoting to draw people here.

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