The person below is wanted in connection with an attempted coup against the city of Syracuse and his quest to bring the Golden Snowball trophy out of the Syracuse jurisdiction and cross it over to the Buffalo county lines. He is know to be the highest ranking Buffalonian and seems to be in charge of capturing the trophy from the city of Syracuse. Please use caution when approaching such suspect as he has been know to be armed with a semi-auto snowball thrower. He goes by many aliases including The General, Smadson and just plain Steve. He is also wanted by the city of Syracuse for attempting and successfully recruiting several others in his mad, insane and sick attempt to dethrone the city of Syracuse.

Below is a picture that was captured by intelligence from the city of Syracuse of his accomplices. They are also considered dangerous and it is recommended that you do not approach them especially on a warm day when they tend to get very irritated and begin to sweat profusely. They are described as being white, a mouth shaped like chocolate chip cookies and scary tomato red eyes. They are considered very dangerous with a very cold heart so please contact the authority’s if seen.

Ok before I get an email from Steve saying he has been captured by some visiting Syracusans and is in a car headed East or worse yet a call from the police saying 911 is getting a lot of calls from people saying they have a snowman cornered in their back yards, I’m kidding. Steve is one of the biggest fans of the NYS Golden Snowball contest and just plain old winter weather in Buffalo. He knows how to have fun with it and is responsible for a lot of the research on stats that show up here on the GSB website. No doubt he would love to see the trophy sitting somewhere in Buffalo come the end of this snow season. Wishful thinking but none the less.
One thing that makes me go Hmmm though is why isn’t the Buffalo media covering the fact that they have been winning the Golden Snowball contest right from the start this year. Forget the other news! It’s too depressing! This is the story the people want to read about. Buffalo is winning and not a word in print in the papers. Saturday night live has mentioned the contest in the past years, Paul Harvey mentioned it on his radio show before, the New York times has mentioned it, USA today did an article on the contest, Syracuse news talks about it every now and then but nothing from Buffalo this year.
And where is the Weather Channel. Every day they mention one of the city’s in the contest and talk about the snow where getting. I think it would be more fun to hear them say instead of “Oh and Look at Buffalo getting the lake effect snow today”, something like “Oh Buffalo should be able to hold onto the lead a little longer in this seasons NYS Golden Snowball contest with the lake effect they are getting right now. Just my opinion of course ๐ General keep an eye on your troops, I might have to do a sun dance if you get too far ahead of the rest of us. Hey, have a great weekend all!