I just want to let you all know, especially those of you up north that the snow dance had nothing to do with all this. At least that’s what my lawyer told me to say. On January 7th I did the first snow dance of the season. Remember only two are allowed in a year in order for them to work. I did th mild version of the dance. I think OK, I could of screwed up and went a little over board and really got into it once I started the dance but I still think it was the snow God. At least that’s who my lawyer told me to blame.
The first snow dance of the year is one to bring a lot of snow fast, then some warm weather, then a lot more and so on. Since the dance for some reason we have been stuck in an Arctic air system or something with the temps probably averaging around 20 degrees if that. Maybe NYCO can figure out what went wrong with the Snow God this year my lawyer said and make it ease up just a hair. For those of you who are loving all this snow, I take full blame.
For those of you who aren’t buying my story and still blaming the snow dance, I want you to know I take full responsibility. My lawyer told me to beg for forgiveness, blame it on my parents and to let everyone know I will be entering rehab as soon as I can get out of the driveway and can find a snow dance rehab in our area. To all the thousands of kids that email me begging me to do another snow dance I have to say no. For now anyways. You have had enough snow days for the time being.
Jill from Buffalo is thinking about doing a snow dance to help Buffalo pull this years Golden Snowball contest off. She better get going because Da Cuse is starting to pull away a little and Rock City is right on your back. Only 5 inches away. Who ever would of thought that when Rochester had only 44 inches at the beginning of the week. Hey, have a great day all!