buffalo snow

All posts tagged buffalo snow

Rochester Slips Past Buffalo, Leads Snow Contest

Updated 12/11 7 PM – First off as always I just want to give a big Thanks to Faye H. for your recent donation and the first one of the season. Thanks for also pointing out something that I needed to change on the site. I appreciate you taking the time Faye πŸ™‚
It was a short visit to the top of the Golden Snowball contest for Buffalo. Buffalo knocked Syracuse out of first place yesterday and today it’s Rochester’s turn to knock Buffalo out of the top spot. As of this last update, Rochester leads the Golden Snowball snow contest. WTG Roc πŸ™‚

Buffalo slid down to second place but is only 3 tenths of an inch behind Rochester. Syracuse dropped all the way down to the number 3 spot on the snow hill. The good news is, we will probably be seeing more changes in the next few days because I’m seeing a lot of reports of maybe a lot of snow which should be starting pretty soon if it hasn’t already in some of the cities. Stay safe and of course check with your local weather pros for the latest watches, warnings and forecasts.

Have a great night all πŸ™‚

Buffalo Leads Golden Snowball Snow Contest

I had a feeling that after watching the snowy Buffalo Bills game against the Indianapolis Colts that Buffalo was going to snow ahead of Syracuse in the New York Golden Snowball snow contest and they did. Buffalo also won the game playing in the snow which was fun to watch. WTG Buffalo πŸ™‚

Buffalo leads Syracuse by 0.6 of an inch as of this last update and I’m guessing they will probably be adding more snow to their lead when the next update comes out tomorrow. Albany was in a tie with Rochester as of yesterdays snow stats but Rochester wasn’t having any of that and got enough snow to hold on to the 3rd place spot on the snow hill by themselves.

Last Seasons Snow Champs and Snowy Season

Binghamton which is the defending snow champs from last season, the 2016-2017 snow season is in dead last right now. It has to be lonely at the bottom of the Golden Snowball hill πŸ™‚ Binghamton had an awesome snow season last season and broke a ton of snow records for the city including the hardest to break, their highest seasonal snowfall totals on record. Right now Binghamton has 2.1 inches of snow compared to 40.3 inches on this date last season. What a difference a season makes but it’s still early.

Last season at this time in Binghamton was leading the Golden Snowball snow contest and Buffalo was in last place. The total opposite this season and you know what that means. OK, I don’t have a clue what that means but I do know it should be a fun snow season ahead and it’s only just begun.

Have a Great Night All πŸ™‚

Rochester, NY Slips Past Buffalo, NY in Golden Snowball Contest

Rochester had it’s the first snow of the season yesterday, 11/9 and it was enough to take the lead over Buffalo in the snow contest. Rochester picked up 3 tenths of an inch of snow and currently sits on the top of the Golden Snowball snow hill. Will Rochester stay on top come the next update?

Keep in mind that the National Weather Service isn’t reporting any of the overnight snowfall yet. Those snow stats will come out late afternoon and I’ll do another update once they do come out.

Click Here for the current snow stats.

Rochester and Buffalo are the only two cities in the snow contest reporting any measurable snow so far this season. That may change once the snow stats for today and the overnight come out. I’ve seen some videos of a little snow in the Binghamton and Syracuse area. It will be interesting to see if both can get on the snowboard to kick off their 2017-2018 snow season. Stay tuned for the next update and it will be interesting to see if Rochester can hold on to the top spot πŸ™‚

Have a Great Day πŸ™‚

Buffalo Kicks Off 2017-2018 Golden Snowball Snow Contest

Buffalo, New York received just enough snow to start up the 2017-2018 Golden Snowball snow contest. Congrats Buffalo which received a tenth of an inch of snow at the airport on Halloween.

  • Let the New York Snow Games Begin
  • πŸ™‚

    None of the other cities are reporting any measurable snowfall so far so Buffalo takes the early lead in the Golden Snowball contest. It also puts Buffalo in the Top 10 in the National Golden Snow Globe snow contest tied with several other cities with a tenth of an inch of snowfall on the season. Lakewood, Colorado leads the National snow contest right now with 4.5 inches.

    Last season at this time Buffalo was the only city without any snow and on the bottom of the snow hill with Albany on the top of the snow hill πŸ™‚ That’s what makes this snow contest so much fun. None of us know which city is going to win when a new season begins. Syracuse is the favorite being the snowiest Big city in the country but I don’t think Mother Nature or Father Winter pay too much attention to that.

    Last season Binghamton out snowed all of the cities to win the Golden Snowball contest by just 3 tenths of an inch over Syracuse. Binghamton is the defending snow champions this season. Several seasons back Rochester, NY upset Syracuse to wear the crown for a year. It’s always fun as the season plays on. That’s what the snow contests are about, having fun and passing the months by as we wait for the warm weather to return.

    About The Golden Snowball Snow Contest

    The 5 cities that are in the New York Golden Snowball contest which started up back in the 1970’s are Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse, NY. It’s just a fun snow contest that was started up by a few meteorologists from the Rochester national weather station that has since closed. Click Here for more info about the Golden Snowball contest.

    Click here for the Current Snow Stats! I’m looking forward to having a lot of fun with all of you like we do every snow season. Just think, the fun has just begun and it’s going to be a longgg snow season. Good Luck to all of your cities πŸ˜‰

    Have a Great Day All!

    First off as always, I want to give a Big Thanks to those of you who made a donation to the snow site this season. They really help out with offsetting some of the costs and time spent on the snow contest each season. If you enjoyed the Golden Snowball snow contest this season, feel free to hit the donate button and a Big Thank You in advance πŸ˜‰

    Binghamton Wins Golden Snowball Snow Contest

    Updated July 1st 2017 – The 2016-2017 snow season has come to and end as of yesterday, June 30th and it’s Binghamton at the top of the snow hill over Syracuse by 3 tenths of an inch. Don’t be sad that the season has ended because as of today, July 1st the 2017-2018 snow season has begun. A big congratulation to Binghamton, New York on winning the Golden Snowball snow contest.

    WOW! A huge CONGRATULATION to Binghamton, New York on winning the Golden Snowball contest for the 2016-2017 snow season. Binghamton defeated last season’s snow champs and seasonal favorite Syracuse, NY to take the top spot on the Golden Snowball snow hill. Binghamton also broke several records including the big one which is the snowiest season on record with a total so far this season of 135.2 inches of snowfall which was 3 tenths of an inch more than Syracuse received which was 134.9 inches.

    It’s been something like 34 years since Binghamton last won the Golden Snowball snow derby. The last time Binghamton won was in the 1982-1983 snow season. How long ago was that? The #1 song on May 1st, 1983 was β€œBeat It” by Michael Jackson which gives you a good idea. Our President was President Ronald Reagan! Most importantly, the Speedie Fest along with a balloon rally started up in Binghamton and I believe it draws about 100,000 people while it’s going on.

    Live Interview With Bob Joseph Radio 1290 WNBF in Binghamton

    I did just get off the phone doing a live call into Bob Joseph who is a radio host on the Binghamton Now News, NY. It was a fun live conversation and I kind of liked his idea about jumping in his car and heading to Syracuse and give it to Mayor Stephanie Miner about how Binghamton kicked butt. He was talking all in fun of course and it was really was fun talking to him even though I don’t like doing live anything πŸ™‚

    May 1st Is The Date Picked To Wrap Up Golden Snowball Contest

    I will say that I’m a little nervous about calling the snow contest today with Binghamton only leading Syracuse by 3 tenths of an inch as of yesterday, April 30th. That said, several years ago a representative of a former mayor’s office wanted to lay some ground rules and calling the snow contest on May 1st was one of them. According to the National Weather Service, the snow season starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th. So far throughout the past seasons, May 1st has worked as far as I know or at least since I started keeping track of the snow stats so fingers crossed it plays out OK again this season πŸ™‚

    I did talk to Ted Champney at the Binghamton National Weather Service and he seemed to be pretty confident or as confident as anyone can be with just 3 tenths of an inch separation Binghamton and Syracuse that there most likely won’t be any changes in the Golden Snowball line-up.

    I also asked Wayne Mahar, Molly Matott on Facebook live what they thought about the long term and both seem to think we are in the clear. Jim Teske responded to a tweet of mine which I think pretty much says it all. At this time of the season, the one thing that favors Binghamton is Elevation, Elevation, Elevation πŸ™‚

    So, barring any adjustments or corrections by the National Weather Service my fingers are crossed that Mother Nature stays in line and that the line-up stays the same. Binghamton deserves it this season for the amount of snow they have had which is over 50 inches of snow more than what they receive on average each season.

    The National Golden Snow Globe Snow Contest Still Going

    Keep in mind that the National Golden Snow Globe snow contest is still going on and Syracuse holds a big lead in that contest. I’m still seeing some cities picking up some snow and a couple of states have received some decent snow totals in the last couple of days. I’m sure I will be calling that snow contest sooner rather than later this season so check the snowiest Big city in the country snow contest out at the Golden Snow Globe website.

    I will still be updating as needed and I will most likely be adding more to this a little later along with a season summary in a few days. Have a Great day everyone and CONGRATS BINGHAMTON, NY!

    First, as always, a Big Thank You to Donald R for your donation to the Golden Snowball site. It was the first donation of the season to the Golden Snowball site and it really helps out. I Truly appreciate it and Thanks, Donald πŸ™‚
    Updated 12/30 6 PM – OK, the new evening snow stats are out and they show Syracuse has taken the lead from Binghamton, again. Or maybe it’s the 1st time this season, who knows and I guess it doesn’t matter much. The snow that was taken away from yesterday’s totals wasn’t added in this update so it looks like it was an adjustment made to the totals yesterday. More below about that and Congrats Syracuse!!!


    Updated 12/30 Noon – Hold on Syracuse, not so fast! I wake up this morning and I check the new snow stats to see if any of the cities had more snow to add for yesterday. When I look at the Syracuse snow totals from the National Weather Service in Binghamton I see that they were lower than what was posted at around 10pm last night.

    I’m guessing that the NWS either made an adjustment or maybe just made an error on the last update they put out. We will know a little later this afternoon when the next update comes out at around 5pm give or take a little. I put Binghamton back on the top for now as I always go by what the NWS is showing on their site. Below are a couple of screenshots of the snow stats to let you all see what I see. Careful driving today!



    Posted 12/29 11pm –

    Syracuse leads Golden Snowball Contest for 1st Time This Season

    Syracuse, NY has finally slipped passed Binghamton to take the Top spot on the snow hill for the 1st time this season. As of the last update at 10:00 PM, 12/29 from the National Weather Service yesterday, Syracuse was reporting 2.9 inches which was just enough to slip past Binghamton, NY which was reporting 2.5 inches as of 10 pm.

    Syracuse was trailing Binghamton by 2 tenths of an inch at the end of Wednesday, 12/28 and has been behind Binghamton all season long. Binghamton has been in the lead most of the snow season other than a brief period when Albany, YES Albany, was on the top of the snow hill. Binghamton has already passed the total snowfall that they had for all of the last season, 2015-2016, which was only 32.0 inches. As of the last update, Binghamton is showing 57 inches of snow so far this season.

    Syracuse as of the last update from the NWS is showing a snow total of 57.2 for the season which is just enough to take the lead from Binghamton. Right now it’s still snowing and chances are pretty good that the lead will grow today and tonight with more snow expected.

    Stay tuned and I’ll be posting updates right here as the National Weather Service keeps putting them out. Keep in mind that the snow falling is Lake Effect snow so it can change at any time. Stay safe and take it slow on the roads.

    Binghamton Likes it On Top of the GSB Snow Hill

    OK, Binghamton, NY has once again defended the Top spot on the Golden Snowball snow hill. Binghamton was able to not only hold off today’s charge up the hill by Syracuse, NY but was able to push them back down a little further. WTG Bingo!

    Syracuse was able to close in on Binghamton the last day or so and was only 2 tenths of an inch away from reaching Binghamton. I was watching the radars thinking Syracuse may have slipped into the top spot today but it turns out that Binghamton won this snowball fight picking up 2.5 inches of snow so far today compared to Syracuse’s 1.4 inches so far. This is as of 5 pm according to the National Weather Service.

    City Snow Totals From Yesterday, 12/27

      * Binghamton – 2.5 inches of snow
      * Buffalo – 2.5 inches
      * Albany – 2.1 inches
      * Syracuse – 1.4 inches
      * Rochester – 1.1 inches

      Binghamton King In The Golden Snowball Contest So Far

      It will be interesting to see what the rest of tonight has in store and also the next couple of days. If I were a betting man, oh yeah, I am πŸ™‚ I think I’ll be putting my money down on Syracuse to gain the lead come tomorrow evening snow update. Syracuse has lead the National Golden Snow Globe contest for a good part of the snow season but has yet to lead our great NY Golden Snowball contest this season.

      Click Here for the National Golden Snow Globe Contest

      Binghamton started the 2016-2017 snow season off in the Golden Snowball contest in 1st place back on October 27th picking up an inch of snow. So far this season Albany (Really) was the only other city to hold the top spot in the snow race.

      Buffalo, believe it or not, has been in last place a good part of the snow season up until the last couple of weeks, give or take. Buffalo didn’t pass the 1 inch of snow mark until around December 6th or 7th but seem to be getting on a roll now.

      Rochester, NY, the only city that has beaten Syracuse since the Golden Snowball contest started up again seems to be content right now at just hanging in the middle of the pack. The best thing about this season so far is that, that, that it’s only just begun πŸ™‚

      Click Here for the current snow stats!

      Keep and eye on your weather the next few days because there is a good chance it is or will be a little nasty. Check your favorite pros for you forecast and stay safe. Have a Great night All!