
All posts tagged snow

Buffalo Kicks Off 2017-2018 Golden Snowball Snow Contest

Buffalo, New York received just enough snow to start up the 2017-2018 Golden Snowball snow contest. Congrats Buffalo which received a tenth of an inch of snow at the airport on Halloween.

  • Let the New York Snow Games Begin
  • 🙂

    None of the other cities are reporting any measurable snowfall so far so Buffalo takes the early lead in the Golden Snowball contest. It also puts Buffalo in the Top 10 in the National Golden Snow Globe snow contest tied with several other cities with a tenth of an inch of snowfall on the season. Lakewood, Colorado leads the National snow contest right now with 4.5 inches.

    Last season at this time Buffalo was the only city without any snow and on the bottom of the snow hill with Albany on the top of the snow hill 🙂 That’s what makes this snow contest so much fun. None of us know which city is going to win when a new season begins. Syracuse is the favorite being the snowiest Big city in the country but I don’t think Mother Nature or Father Winter pay too much attention to that.

    Last season Binghamton out snowed all of the cities to win the Golden Snowball contest by just 3 tenths of an inch over Syracuse. Binghamton is the defending snow champions this season. Several seasons back Rochester, NY upset Syracuse to wear the crown for a year. It’s always fun as the season plays on. That’s what the snow contests are about, having fun and passing the months by as we wait for the warm weather to return.

    About The Golden Snowball Snow Contest

    The 5 cities that are in the New York Golden Snowball contest which started up back in the 1970’s are Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse, NY. It’s just a fun snow contest that was started up by a few meteorologists from the Rochester national weather station that has since closed. Click Here for more info about the Golden Snowball contest.

    Click here for the Current Snow Stats! I’m looking forward to having a lot of fun with all of you like we do every snow season. Just think, the fun has just begun and it’s going to be a longgg snow season. Good Luck to all of your cities 😉

    Have a Great Day All!

    First off, as always I want to say Thank You to Amy G., William M., Kelly R., Kurt R., Cooper Computer Consulting, Alberta P., and Bob W. for your donations this season. I truly appreciate them and they do help. Thanks All 🙂

    Mother Nature Past Favors Binghamton in Golden Snowball Contest

    Right now, only 3 tenths of an inch separate Binghamton and Syracuse so I wanted to take a look at several different snow statistics from the past to see what the odds are right now of Binghamton, NY winning the 2016-2017 Golden Snowball snow contest. I took a look at several different snow stats from the past which include last season’s snow totals, the latest date and the amount of snow that both cities received measurable snow and how much snow both cities receive in April and May on average.

    This will be the biggest upset since I have been keeping the snow stats and will equal the big upset since the snow contest started back in the 70’s which was the only other time that Binghamton has won. Binghamton’s only other win was in the 1982-1983 snow season. There were at least 2 other times that Binghamton beat the other Golden Snowball cities in the past but that was before the snow contest was started.

    30 Year Average Seasonal Snowfall

    I’m sure most of you who follow the snow contest already know that Syracuse is the favorite at the beginning of every snow season which is why Binghamton has made this season so much fun. Syracuse averages 123.8 inches according to the last 30 years which rolls every 10 years I believe, meaning that the next new update for snow averages will be coming out in 2020 if I’m correct. The last one was in 2010. Keep in mind that normally, I’m not though 🙂

    30 Year Average Seasonal Snowfall for Golden Snowball Cities

    Syracuse – 123.8
    Rochester – 99.5
    Buffalo – 94.7
    Binghamton – 83.4
    Albany – 59.1

    Advantage Syracuse!

    Which City Receives the Most Snow in April & May

    Does Syracuse or Binghamton receive the most snow in the months of April and May? Below are the snow totals for the two cities for April and May according to the National Weather Service out of Binghamton.

    April Snowfall Averages –

    Syracuse = 3.8 inches
    Binghamton = 4.3 inches

    May Snowfall Averages –

    Syracuse = 0.1
    Binghamton = 0.1

    May and April Combined Snow Totals –

    Syracuse = 3.9 inches
    Binghamton = 4.4 inches

    So far this season as of 4/18 for the month of April Binghamton has received 2.1 inches of snow and Syracuse has received 0.3 inches of snow.

    Advantage Binghamton

    The Latest Date Binghamton and Syracuse Received Measurable Snow

    The thing that scares me the most at the end of each snow season in the Golden Snowball contest is calling the winner on May 1st when the snow contest is so close. This season it is especially close and I am already dreading it. The date isn’t my choice but it was a date that was picked several years ago by one of the representatives of the city of Syracuse. The calendar snow season according to the National Weather Service starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th. In other words, they record any snowfall amounts that fall during the calendar snow season. So if Binghamton or Syracuse receive snow after May 1st, it should still be counted in my opinion 🙁 End of whine 😉 OK, below are the dates that are the latest both cities have received measurable snowfall.

    Latest Date Recorded For Measurable Snow –

    Syracuse received 1.2 inches of snow on May 17th in 1973. Date of record 1902 to Present.

    Binghamton received 1.7 inches of snow on May 18th in 2002. Date of record 1951-Present.

    Narrow Advantage Binghamton 🙂

    Are We Done With Snow For The Season

    Obviously, the biggest question right now is are we done with snow this season in the Northeast? The obvious answer is the only one that knows is Mother Nature and I’m guessing that my chances of getting an interview with her are zero 😉 There is one thing I did notice today while doing the last update. None of the cities in the Golden Snowball contest received any more snow for the rest of the season from here on.

    If you look at the snow chart which was updated today on the main page where it shows This Time Last Season, you will see that it is also the final snow totals for all of the cities last season. If this season comes to an end like last season did then it is obviously –

    ADVANTAGE and CHECKMATE by Binghamton 😉

    Stay tuned because it’s not over until the fat man sings and I’m not singing yet 😉 Have a Great night all!

    Binghamton Wins This Snowball Fight Snow Totals Below

    I just crunched some snow totals for the last two days. The 2-day snow storm totals are for Tuesday 3/14 and Wednesday 3/15. As always, keep in mind my fuzzy math but this is what I came up with. The totals are always taken from the National Weather Service.

    Binghamton was the big winner of this snowball fight followed by Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo, and Albany.

    Two Day Snow Storm Totals 3/14 Thru 3/15

    Binghamton, NY – 31.2 + 4.1 = 35.3 Inches

    Rochester, NY – 16.4 + 9.9 = 26.3 Inches

    Syracuse, NY – 18.9 + 5.5 = 24.4 Inches

    Buffalo, NY 13.2 + 4.9 = 18.1

    Albany, NY – 17.0 + Trace = 17.0 Inches

    I also want to apologize for not posting this season as much as I would like to be. I also appreciate the emails I receive asking questions or just saying Thanks for keeping up the snow stats here. I love doing it, believe me 😉 We do have a group page on Facebook for both snow contests, the Golden Snowball and the National Golden Snow Globe snow contests. Just click the FaceBook picture on the page to join. It’s a fun group of people and all snow lovers and haters are welcome 🙂

    Have a Great Day All!

    Binghamton Likes it On Top of the GSB Snow Hill

    OK, Binghamton, NY has once again defended the Top spot on the Golden Snowball snow hill. Binghamton was able to not only hold off today’s charge up the hill by Syracuse, NY but was able to push them back down a little further. WTG Bingo!

    Syracuse was able to close in on Binghamton the last day or so and was only 2 tenths of an inch away from reaching Binghamton. I was watching the radars thinking Syracuse may have slipped into the top spot today but it turns out that Binghamton won this snowball fight picking up 2.5 inches of snow so far today compared to Syracuse’s 1.4 inches so far. This is as of 5 pm according to the National Weather Service.

    City Snow Totals From Yesterday, 12/27

      * Binghamton – 2.5 inches of snow
      * Buffalo – 2.5 inches
      * Albany – 2.1 inches
      * Syracuse – 1.4 inches
      * Rochester – 1.1 inches

      Binghamton King In The Golden Snowball Contest So Far

      It will be interesting to see what the rest of tonight has in store and also the next couple of days. If I were a betting man, oh yeah, I am 🙂 I think I’ll be putting my money down on Syracuse to gain the lead come tomorrow evening snow update. Syracuse has lead the National Golden Snow Globe contest for a good part of the snow season but has yet to lead our great NY Golden Snowball contest this season.

      Click Here for the National Golden Snow Globe Contest

      Binghamton started the 2016-2017 snow season off in the Golden Snowball contest in 1st place back on October 27th picking up an inch of snow. So far this season Albany (Really) was the only other city to hold the top spot in the snow race.

      Buffalo, believe it or not, has been in last place a good part of the snow season up until the last couple of weeks, give or take. Buffalo didn’t pass the 1 inch of snow mark until around December 6th or 7th but seem to be getting on a roll now.

      Rochester, NY, the only city that has beaten Syracuse since the Golden Snowball contest started up again seems to be content right now at just hanging in the middle of the pack. The best thing about this season so far is that, that, that it’s only just begun 🙂

      Click Here for the current snow stats!

      Keep and eye on your weather the next few days because there is a good chance it is or will be a little nasty. Check your favorite pros for you forecast and stay safe. Have a Great night All!

    Binghamton, NY Keeps Piling on Snow Totals

    I was just noticing that Binghamton, NY already has over half of their average total snowfall for the season already. Binghamton’s entire seasonal snow total on average is 83.4 inches of snow. Right now Binghamton has 47.8 inches of snow and chances are they will be getting more today. Only 35.6 more inches to go for Binghamton to hit their average snowfall for an entire season and Winter hasn’t even started yet.

    Binghamton Has More Snow To Date Than Ever Before

    This is the most snow Binghamton, NY has ever had at this time in the season if my math is right. Keep in mind my fuzzy math, though, it normally isn’t as most of you know by now 🙂

    Binghamton is blowing away the highest snow totals they have ever had on this date, December 14th with 47.8 inches of snow right now. More than 10 inches of snow higher than the 2nd highest to date. The 2nd highest snowfall that Binghamton has had at this time in the season was 36.6 inches on December 14th, 1977.

    This season Binghamton has been ahead of their all-time highest snowfall totals to date record almost all season starting on November 19th. I’ve said it more than once and I’ll say it again. It takes a lot to impress me as far as snow goes and Binghamton is impressing me big time this season. WTG Bingo 😉

    Binghamton is already crushing the snow totals for the entire 2015-2016 snow season. Of course, last season Bingo only had 32.0 inches of snow and it was the lowest ever on record for Binghamton.

    The only season I saw that came close to a time when Binghamton had this much snow so soon in a season was the 1993-1994 snow season. Even that season it took until January 4th for Binghamton to have as much snow as they do right now. WOW! The wow is because 1993-1994 snow season was Binghamton’s highest seasonal snowfall on record which was 131.3 inches of snow.

    Binghamton still has a long way to go to hit the all-time high seasonal snow totals of 131.3 but they are off to a really good start. Could this be a repeat of that season?

    Heavy Lake Effect in Forecast, Stay Safe

    There are a few advisories and warnings out for the next day or two with the colder air coming into the area so check with the pros. It looks like you folks in Buffalo may be getting hit pretty good with some lake effect snowfall and no doubt it’s will be a nasty rush hour ride home. Stay safe all and have an Awesome day. See Snow-Drive Slow 😉

    Snow Here, Snow There, Snow Everywhere

    Lake effect watches and warnings are starting to be posted by the National Weather Service now for some of the GSB cities and the surrounding areas for when the colder air comes in on Thursday and Friday. You all know I am clueless so check with the pros in your area for the latest update. I have a couple links posted below for the Rochester and Syracuse areas that are worth checking out and I’ll keep this post updated the next couple of days.

    All of the Golden Snowball cities received some snow yesterday and it’s only going to get snowier later in the week for some of us. Binghamton, Syracuse, Rochester and even Buffalo and Albany got some fresh snow yesterday. Sorry about that dig to the folks in Buffalo but I need to get it in now because I know it’s only a matter of time before you are back in the snow race. Maybe sooner rather than later 😉

    Binghamton cushioned their lead over last season’s snow champs, Syracuse yesterday picking up 0.9 inches while Syracuse picked up 0.5 inches of new snow. I know it’s not a lot but we all know every tenth of an inch counts in the long run. Albany won the round yesterday picking up 1.4 inches which was more than enough to keep Buffalo at the bottom of the snow hill. Below are the snow totals for yesterday.

    Albany – 1.4
    Binghamton – 0.9
    Rochester – 0.9
    Syracuse – 0.5
    Buffalo – 0.3

    Lake Effect Snow Forecasted For End of The Week

    I’m starting to see reports of some decent Lake Effect Snow expected to come Thursday and Friday for some of the Golden Snowball cities. You know it’s all about fun here and that I am clueless so check with the pros for the latest forecast in your area. Here are a few of the forecasts with watches and warnings that have been issued so far. Click on the links below for the most recent watches and warnings.

    Some of the snow totals from Lake Effect snow are expected to be a foot or more of snow for some of the cities so definitely keep an eye on your local weather. Below is as of 12/6 at around 2:00 PM. I guarantee most of this will be changing as the colder air comes in so save the link and keep up to date. These are from the National Weather Service stations in our areas.

    Rochester – Lake Effect Snow Watch in effect from December 8, 06:00 PM EST until December 10, 06:00 AM EST Click here for more info on Rochester!

    Syracuse – Lake Effect Snow Watch in effect from December 8, 06:00 PM EST until December 10, 06:00 AM EST Click here for more info on Syracuse!

    I’ll keep posting updates as the National Weather Service puts them out. Like I mentioned above, your best source is your local forecasters. Have a Great Day and as always, See Snow – Drive Slow, unless you’re riding a sled of course 😉