Evening Update – Well sort of what some of us expected has happened. A change in the line up with Buffalo dropping down to 4th place in the Golden Snowball contest. The biggest surprise to me was that Rochester was able to jump up to second place and bump Binghamton down to 3rd. I was watching the radar and it seemed like both Bingo and Rock City were getting a pretty good dumping on. Unfortunately Binghamton’s numbers came up a few inches short. Way to go Rochester. Syracuse is approaching the 2 foot mark compared to last years stats of the 2 inch mark. Syracuse better watch their back! Have a great night all and some pictures posted at the Syracuse website proving it really does snow in the city of Syracuse and not just at the airport:
No updates since around 5 pm yesterday for Rochester or Buffalo so it will be really interesting to see how it looks once their new stats are posted. Syracuse, Binghamton and Albany stats were updated at around 1:00 am. Binghamton has got to be the surprise of the season so far and may have a shot this season for the fact that the snow bands have been going pretty far south and even setting up there. Mike posted that they were getting some shite out conditions late last night so they probably have a lot more to report come the later day update.
So far since yesterday and the numbers will change and the stats also aren’t including the over night snowfall Syracuse still holds a small lead. If I were a betting man which I am I would be betting that the order is going to be changing with a possibility that Buffalo just might be bumped down to 4th place after reading around a bit. Of course snow is still falling so who knows, Syracuse might be bumped also. Ya never know! I’ll post the stats today as they come in so look for a couple quick updates during the day. I think the next update for Buffalo and Rochester come out about 12:30 pm.
Hers is a picture that my daughter Danielle sent me from Oswego where she transferred to this year, her Junior year. Living in the Syracuse area she is use to all the snow but she is definitely not use to the wind that she has to deal with everyday up at Oswego. I know there is a lake there somewhere. She mentioned that she heard they actually tie ropes across the campus so you can hang on to them to get to class and not get blown away. The question is this true or as Tony from the forum puts it an Urban Legend???