9 comments on “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s, It’s

  1. “You saw city lights reflecting ice crystals from up above. Usually these are flat crystals that are able to focus the light in pillar shape. They are most common on very cold mornings when there’s moisture present trapped under inversions. Usually it’s only cold enough for super cooled ice droplets, but when there’s ice nuclei present to form a snowflakes, Viola!”

    Obvioulsy! I was going to say that.

    Kidding. I have only seen them once, in Lake George. Very cool you got to see them!

  2. What you saw are light pillars! These features work in similar fashion to sun pillars we’d see during mornings of very light lake effect snow.

    You saw city lights reflecting ice crystals from up above. Usually these are flat crystals that are able to focus the light in pillar shape. They are most common on very cold mornings when there’s moisture present trapped under inversions. Usually it’s only cold enough for super cooled ice droplets, but when there’s ice nuclei present to form a snowflakes, Viola!

  3. Very cool pat! for it not being a totally rare happening, I’ve never seen the northern lights myself either. Had to be rather cool to see! Nice pics!

    Not much weather wise. Clipper comming through Friday night, probably 1-3 inches for all the cities. March 1st tomorrow… the snow days are sure numbered… I think Buffalo is gonna be throwing in the towel Saturday… 🙁

  4. Robert, thank you for taking the time to post.

    I always thought that the Aurora Borealis was more of a North Pole thing or in Alaska but after you posted about I just looked around and it was definitely similar to some of the pictures I just saw except for the colors. They were more of a bright white from where I was seeing them from. That said what I saw were very similar to the pictures at this site


    It will be interesting to see if anything is around the news sites as to other people seeing the same as I did. Thanks again!

    Mike, I won’t even go to spot on as often as I have missed this season, lol

    I could guesstimate my name and most likely I would be way off 🙂

  5. The photo images of the strange light look like the Aurora Borealis.

    Thanks for all the Golden Snowball work. It is a lot of fun.

  6. few…thank god they caught it…i almost couldnt go to sleep tonight lol. Albany looks to be the bigger winner by the time we hit saturday morning, but probably not by much. id expect buffalo to get 4.0 inches, rochester 3.0 inches, syracuse 4.0 inches, binghamton 3.5 inches, and albany 5.5 inches. take those with a grain of salt, as you can see how “spot” on ive been so far this winter…predicting snow amounts is really hard 🙁 lol

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