2 comments on “More Snow or Are You Ready for Spring

  1. Hi Shane,

    It looks like you still may have some time left to get the skis or snowboard out 🙂 I think once April come around I’m just about ready for the snow to stop. I’ve learned over the years in Syracuse to stop being fooled by Spring. March is always unpredictable so I just tell myself that Spring really starts on April 20 – 21 😉

  2. I like late season snow, or snow pretty much any time November through April, so the wintry mix falling now in Rochester is fine by me, and yet…In snowfall dud winters like last year and this year I am less into snow than in years when the snow dominates. One might think it would be the opposite, but maybe I cheer for the snow more when there’s a chance that a record will be set or something. I am definitely bummed that this is the second year in a row I haven’t gotten the skis or snowboard on.

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