snow storm nemo

All posts tagged snow storm nemo

Updated 2/10

First Off, Thanks Jim M. for the donation to the site.  Everyone of them help out a lot πŸ™‚

OK, Here are the latest snow stats for the Golden Snowball cities for the last 2 days.  Keep in mind that I have fuzzy math so…:)  Actually I have the real estate agent coming over to do an open house so I had to put the stats together fast.  I’ll double check them later after the SU game.  GO ORANGE!!!  Did any of you catch the Notre Dame – Louisville game last night?  Awesome game with Notre Dame coming from behind to pull off a win after 5 OT’s.

Rochester – 13.1
Syracuse – 8.6
Buffalo – 8.4
Binghamton 6.9
Albany – 4.8

Right now it’s looking pretty good for Rochester but like I mentioned the overnight snow still has to be added.  I measured 9.5 inches at my house which is just a few miles east of the city and just a few more miles from the airport.  If I were a betting man, Oh yeah I am πŸ˜‰ I would put my money on Rochester.

I think the biggest disappointment was Albany.  I had them winning this snow round and it looks like they are going to come in last place.  Shows how much I know and why you should look to your local weather for the real forecast πŸ™‚  I’ll get try and get another update in a little later when some more snow stats come out.

Have an Awesome Weekend Everyone πŸ™‚

UPDATED – 2/9 .. 2:00 AM

I’m not sure where Rochester is getting their snow from but they piled on 6.8 inches of new snow so far today.  Enough to bump them up to the number 2 slot.  I’ll try and get updates in as the National Weather Service reports them.  Here is what we have so far as of around 2 AM 2/9

Rochester – 6.9 – ??? – Not reporting as of 2:05 am
Buffalo – 3.3 -??? – Not reporting as of 2:05 am
Syracuse – 6.2
Binghamton 6.0
Albany – 4.8
I still think it’s advantage Albany but we will have to wait and see how the wind blows.  Here in the Syracuse area I’m guessing about 4 inches so far.  Look for an update later and have a safe night.

Feel free to leave a comment here as to how the snow is falling in your neck of the woods during snow storm Nemo.  We love to get updates during the storms.

I’ve been watching a lot of forecasts today and reading quite a bit on snow storm Nemo.  To be honest I still don’t have a clue with all of the changes that the experts keep making with this storm.  It is understandable though for the fact that a shift this way or that way and everything changes.  Not to mention what the temperatures will be when it hits different cities.

The numbers went down again for some of us with the newest totals for Syracuse anywhere from 4 – 8 inches to 8 – 12 inches.  At one point in the day I was seeing 12 – 18 inches.  I’m sure it’s been the same for the rest of the cities.  From what I see it looks like Albany may be able to pile on some decent snow totals and other cities to the east should also.

As far as the National snow contest goes it looks like some cities in Massachusetts may be the big winners in that snow race.  I’m wondering if Worcester, Mass can pick up enough to take the lead.  Stay tuned and I’ll be posting the snow totals as soon as the National Weather service updates them during and after snow storm Nemo.

Hopefully some of you can grab a 3 day weekend out of this.  Stay safe and drive carefully.  See Snow – Drive Slow πŸ˜‰