
All posts for the month February, 2015

First I want to give a big Thanks to Luke W. for your donation to the snow site. It helps out a lot and Thank You for taking the time Luke, I appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚
OK, Syracuse managed to not only hold on to the lead but when all the snowflakes were counted added to their lead but not by much. Right now itโ€™s just a matter of 0.7 inches of snow separating Syracuse and Buffalo in the Golden Snowball contest.

If I my mind serves me right and it normally doesnโ€™t by the way even when Lake Erie was frozen over early last season Buffalo kept getting snow so donโ€™t let that fool you. No doubt it probably slows Buffalo down some but last season proved it doesnโ€™t stop them ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last season I thought Buffalo was going to pull it off but I think Syracuse got lucky and the warm air moved in.

Last season was realty close and Syracuse had just enough snow to beat Buffalo by only 2.1 inches. I believe that last season was the closest the snow race has been since we started keeping stats in the 2002 โ€“ 2003 snow season. Is this the season that Buffalo takes the bragging rights away from Syracuse and better yet getโ€™s Buffalo permanently engraved on the Golden Snowball Trophy?

Since the resurrection of the Golden Snowball contest Rochester has been the only city to dethrone Syracuse as snow champs. Iโ€™m still not even close to counting Rochester out this season. Rochester, just like Buffalo and Syracuse can tap into some Lake Effect snow or better yet some late season snow storms that most likely will be coming. I do think the time has come though for The Roc to start turning it up a notch and maybe even do a little snow dance to help them catch up ๐Ÿ˜‰

Do I look Like I am Ready To Part with The Golden Snowball Trophy

Picture of Golden Snowball Trophy in Snow
Photo by Dennis Nett of The Post Standard

Stay Tuned and Have an Awesome Day ๐Ÿ™‚

Updated 2/22 8:00 PM โ€“ The early evening snow stats are updated and Syracuse Managed to hang on to the lead this time for more than just a few hours. WTG Syracuse. That said I hear it is snowing in Buffalo now so as always it will be interesting come the morning update, STAY TUNED ๐Ÿ™‚

Updated 2/22 AM โ€“ According to the latest National Weather Service update Syracuse has taken the lead in the Golden Snowball contest. The stats are as of the end of yesterday, 2/21 I believe so barring any adjustments from the NWS until the next update itโ€™s Syracuse by 0.2 of an inch over Buffalo. WTG Syracuse.

I believe and KEEP in mind my fuzzy math that this is the first time since AROUND November 17th that Syracuse has had the lead at the top of the snow hill all alone. Syracuse did have the lead for several hours around January 7th or 8th but they shared it with Buffalo at the time in a two way tie in the snow race.

Below is what I posted a little while back not counting this last lead changeโ€ฆ

From a previous post โ€“ I was curious so I just took a look back to see how long Buffalo has held the lead this season. I also wanted to see if there were any other leaders in the snow contest (Short Memory) and here is how the snow contest has played out so far.

Start of This Snow Season โ€“ Snowfall Totals Updated 11/8/2014

* Around 11/8/2014 Binghamton was in first place and was the city that started off the 2014 โ€“ 2015 snow season for the Golden Snowball Award with 0.2 inches of snowfall. WTG Binghamton ๐Ÿ™‚

Binghamton 0.2 1.8 Trace 83.4 134.0 inches (1995 โ€“ 1996)
Buffalo Trace 2.0 Trace 94.7 199.4 inches (1976 โ€“ 1977)
Rochester Trace 1.1 0.2 99.5 161.7 inches (1959 โ€“ 1960)
Syracuse Trace 1.6 0.2 123.8 192.1 inches (1992 โ€“ 1993)
Albany Trace 0.3 Trace 59.1 112.5 inches (1970 โ€“ 1971)

Syracuse Takes The Snow Lead

* Syracuse took the lead over on or around 11/14/2014 with 2.9 inches of snow and held the lead until around 11/17 Our current leader, Buffalo was in last place at the time.

Syracuse 2.2 2.9 0.4 123.8 192.1 inches (1992 โ€“ 1993)
Binghamton 1.3 2.7 2.0 83.4 134.0 inches (1995 โ€“ 1996)
Buffalo 0.2 3.3 0.7 94.7 199.4 inches (1976 โ€“ 1977)
Rochester 0.2 2.2 1.8 99.5 161.7 inches (1959 โ€“ 1960)
Albany 0.1 0.7 Trace 59.1 112.5 inches (1970 โ€“ 1971)

Buffalo Take The Lead From Syracuse

* Buffalo took the lead from Syracuse the following day on or around 11/18/2014 and Rochester also passed Syracuse and jumped into 2nd place.

Buffalo 4.0 4.3 0.7 94.7 199.4 inches (1976 โ€“ 1977)
Rochester 3.2 3.1 1.8 99.5 161.7 inches (1959 โ€“ 1960)
Syracuse 2.9 4.0 0.4 123.8 192.1 inches (1992 โ€“ 1993)
Binghamton 2.9 3.4 2.0 83.4 134.0 inches (1995 โ€“ 1996)
Albany 1.0 1.0 Trace 59.1 112.5 inches (1970 โ€“ 1971)

Buffalo and Syracuse Tie for 1st, Buffalo Still at Top

* On January 7th or 8th Buffalo and Syracuse were tied for 1st place in the snow contest with 34.0 inches each.

Buffalo 34.0 42.7 55.3 94.7 199.4 inches (1976 โ€“ 1977)
Syracuse 34.0 49.9 51.9 123.8 192.1 inches (1992 โ€“ 1993)
Binghamton 31.6 29.5 46.0 83.4 134.0 inches (1995 โ€“ 1996)
Rochester 29.8 35.3 48.0 99.5 161.7 inches (1959 โ€“ 1960)
Albany 26.6 20.4 31.6 59.1 112.5 inches (1970 โ€“ 1971)

More to Come so stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a Great Day Everyone ๐Ÿ˜‰

Updated 2/20 7:00 PM โ€“ Syracuse continues their snowball assault on Buffalo and are now only 2.1 inches away from catching them. This weekend is going to be really interesting. Stay Safe All and Have a Great Night ๐Ÿ™‚

Syracuse has been climbing the snow hill this last week and cut Buffaloโ€™s lead down to just a little over 3 inches now. I donโ€™t think Buffalo is going to give up the top spot without putting up a good snowball fight though.

This season Syracuse was missing just about every snowflake that was in the area. It seems now that they may have put some gas in the Lake Machine (Ontario Lake) because it seems to be working now. Itโ€™s looking a lot better for Syracuse which around February 6th was trailing Buffalo by 17 inches. What a difference February is making in both the Golden Snowball and The National snow contest, the Golden Snow Globe.

I believe this is the closest Syracuse has been to Buffalo since around January 8th when Syracuse was tied with Buffalo at 34.0 inches in the snow contest for a day but then fell 3 inches behind the next day. Buffalo is no way doomed and they keep adding to their snow totals too and are just an inch shy of hitting the 100 inch mark. It will be interesting to see which city hits it first. Iโ€™m gonna go with Buffalo I think. Then again as soon as I type my prediction Mother Nature does her thing to prove me wrong. I donโ€™t think she likes me too much ๐Ÿ™

Rochester is still lagging behind pretty good but I am sure they will get into the contest before itโ€™s over. They are in the same rut as Syracuse was for most of the season. Hopefully they climb out of it and at least make this a 3 way snow race.

Have a Super Day All and Stay Warm ๐Ÿ™‚ Yeah, lots of luck with that huh ๐Ÿ™ โ€ฆ

Buffalo is still hanging tough at the top and even with the lake frozen isnโ€™t really showing any sign of slowing down yet. Syracuse has once again closed the gap on the lead that Buffalo has but not by a lot. Itโ€™s been Buffalo pretty much the entire season so far sitting at the top of the snow hill ๐Ÿ™‚

Albany WAS keeping up with the Big 3 Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester but is slowly fading away into the Horizon. Iโ€™m a little surprised because they were doing pretty good with the storms that came through but havenโ€™t been able to cash in enough on the last couple of storms. I canโ€™t say that they are out for the season but I think they will be on the disabled list pretty soon ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sorry Albany but being behind almost 30 inches right now (27.5) itโ€™s not looking too good. Of course every time I say something like that Mother Nature slaps me and proves me wrong ๐Ÿ™

Syracuse has managed to melt away about 7 inches from the lead that Buffalo did have a little while back and I think the 10 inch lead that Buffalo has right now is going to keep melting away. I think by the end of this weekend only a couple of inches will separate Buffalo and Syracuse with maybe, just maybe me saying Buffalo is now chasing Syracuse. Then again I am from Daโ€™Cuse so that could be just wishful thinking ๐Ÿ˜‰

Rochester isnโ€™t through yet and I donโ€™t think Binghamton is either. It seemed like earlier in the season Binghamton was able to catch some of the snow that moved to the south but recently they have been missing all of the snow thatโ€™s been around. Rochester was able to cash in on the last storm and won that snowball fight. There is still a lot of time left in the season for Rochester to melt away some of the lead that Buffalo and Syracuse have over the Roc but in a week or two they may want to start shipping in the snow making machines as backup.. Stay Tuned!

Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse are all in the Top 10 right now in the National Snow Contest. Buffalo is representing New York the best right now sitting in the #3 slot on the snow Mountains. WTG Buffalo! Syracuse is in the number 6 slot and Rochester is right behind them in the number 7 slot. Click Here to See the Top 25 Snowiest BIG Cities in The US.

Have an Awesome Day Everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

* First as always I want to say Thank You Kathleen S. for your generous donation to the snow site and for taking the time. I do really appreciate you taking the time and it helps a lot. Thanks Kathleen ๐Ÿ™‚

A couple of weeks ago I started up a Facebook group and have been mostly posting about it on the National snow contest site. Well also makes sense to post about it here seeing how Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse are in both contests. I was thinking about making a separate FB Group for the Golden Snowball contest and after trying this group out I think it will be better to just keep the one group open to both.. So no matter where you are from be it Binghamton, smaller towns itโ€™s open to anyone that likes or even hates snow ๐Ÿ˜‰

Click Here to Join Our Snowiest City Facebook Page

Us New Yorkerโ€™s are getting out numbered by the good folks from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts ๐Ÿ™ BTW, Buffalo moved into second place this morning in that contest passing Erie, PA. Worcester leads the Nationals though right now. Syracuse and Rochester are still hanging in there right around the Top 5 snowiest Big cities in the country.

Below is what I posted earlier on the National snow contest site.

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a Group page on Facebook and we have a good group of people that have joined so far. Some fun pictures and articles get posted pretty much everyday including people sharing photos from the snow they have received in several different cities this season. No cover charge either ๐Ÿ˜‰

Right now we have people from several different areas including Boston, Worcester, Buffalo, Syracuse, Erie and too many to mention. The group keeps growing by the hour and Thankfully for technology itโ€™s not standing room only and you can sit while talking about the snow you love/hateโ€ฆ

The group is also open to the Weather Pros both local and national forecasters and meteorologists. Also open to any of my good friends in the media and I have noticed a couple of both have joined so far. Most of us are just regular folk talking about how much fun the snow is especially wondering where to put it in some Cities ๐Ÿ™‚

A good place to start your morning with a warm cup of coffee but you most likely wonโ€™t see me there. Iโ€™ll probably be just going to bed when you wake up. A good place to check out after work to see whatโ€™s going on in the snow world and what the current forecasts, predictions and so on are. Did I say itโ€™s a fun group of people who have joined so far ๐Ÿ˜‰

Click Here to Join Our Snowiest City Facebook Page.

I want to give a Big Thanks to Alison S. for your kind donation to the snow site. It really helps out Alison and Thank You for taking the time ๐Ÿ™‚
All of the numbers from the recent snowstorm are in and Rochester won this snowball fight by a few flakes. What was I even thinking when I mentioned that Rochester could go to last place ๐Ÿ™ All of the cities snow storm totals are below and the good news is that a few of us gained on Buffalo this round.

Syracuse not too long ago was behind by around 17 inches and as of the last update are behind a little less than a foot now. Rochester has been climbing up and we know itโ€™s just a matter of time when they make their move. Well they actually did this last storm..

Buffaloโ€™s lead in the snow contest has melted away a little more and I think with soooo much time left in the season itโ€™s going to end up really close again this season. Looking at the snow stats and the way the snow has been falling this season, especially this month I think all of the cities have a shot at winning. Yes, including Albany, NY Go Figure..

The snow stats below are from Saturday thru Monday and as always donโ€™t forget about my fuzzy math when I start adding up snowflakes and crunching numbers ๐Ÿ˜‰ Rochester won this snowball fight by 1.4 inches over Syracuse. See, having the airport a little to the North does hurt Syracuse more than you thinkโ€ฆ I really thought Albany was going to win this round thinking they would get around 14 inches. WTG Rochester ๐Ÿ™‚

Rochester โ€“ 2/7 = 0.9, 2/8 = 5.5, 2/9 = 6.5 Total = 12.9
Syracuse โ€“ 2/7 = 2.1 2/8 = 3.6, 2/9 = 5.8 Total = 11.5
Albany โ€“ 2/7 = 0.9, 2/8 = 3.0, 2/9 = 6.1 Total = 10.0
Buffalo โ€“ 2/7 = 1.0, 2/8 = 2.4, 2/9 = 2.7 Total = 6.1
Binghamton โ€“ 2/7 = 0.8 2/8 = 0.8 2/9 = 2.4 Total = 4.0

Look for another update a little later and have an Awesome Day!