
All posts for the month February, 2015

Updated 8 PM 2/9 –

Like Bruce said in the comment section “don’t stick a fork in ROC vs Albany yet.” No way would I do that and The Roc is looking good right now. I may hand a spoon to Rochester to help them out shoveling the little bit of snow they received so far this season though πŸ˜‰ Thats a joke Roc and looking at Syracuse’s snow totals so far I don’t think I can say much πŸ˜‰ Actually Rochester moved into the 3rd place slot on the snow hill this last update.

Binghamton dropped into the number 4 slot and Albany still remains in last place where they belong, I’M JOKING. Albany is actually having a good season so far and I think they will have more snow to report when they put out the next update. I still think it is going to be close between Rochester, Binghamton and Albany when the new snow totals do come out but I don’t know if they can catch Rochester right now..

Syracuse managed to melt a little more away from Buffalo and we will see if that continues this week. I’m reading about a couple of possible snow events coming up around Thursday. Check with the pros in your neck of the woods because my middle name is clueless πŸ˜‰ Have an Awesome Night All…
Updated Noon 2/9/15 –From what I am reading and from looking around it’s looking like Albany and Syracuse could make out the best from the current storm. Rochester so far is showing the highest snow totals for yesterday with 5.5 inches of snow on the day. That is probably a good thing and may be enough to keep them out of last place or Not. Looking at the radars I think it will be close as to what city ends up in last place when all is said and done πŸ˜‰

If Albany gets what they ere expecting it’s most likely going to be a good battle between Binghamton, Albany and Rochester to stay out of last place. Yup, Albany has a real shot at moving into the 3rd place spot on the snow hill this late in the season believe it or not πŸ˜‰

Syracuse has been able to cut into Buffalo’s lead a little bit and right now every snowflake they can melt away from Buffalo’s lead helps. Just a few days ago Syracuse was trailing Buffalo by around 17 inches. Right now Buffalo has a lead of 14.4 inches over Syracuse. There is a good chance the lead will get smaller come the next update to make the contest a little closer…

I don’t think Albany can catch second place Syracuse this round but they could melt some of the lead away that Syracuse has over them right now. There is only 5 inches separating the 3 cities in 3rd, 4th and last place right now so it will be interesting come the next snow update a little later on. Below are the snow totals that the cities received yesterday and not necessary the storm totals.. I’ll have to look back to Saturday night for those.

Snow Totals For Yesterday

Rochester – 5.5
Syracuse – 3.6
Albany – 3.0
Buffalo – 2.4
Binghamton – 0.8

Stay Tuned for Another Update a Bit Later and Stay Safe All!
Get ready because it’s time for another snowball fight in the Golden Snowball Contest πŸ™‚ This could be one that Buffalo may actually lose for a change. Buffalo has been enjoying being the King of the snow hill this season and has dug in pretty good but a few of the cities may move a little closer to them with this next storm. That said Buffalo just hit the 80 inches of snow mark for the season πŸ˜‰

Right now there are winter storm warnings out for most of the cities so check with your locals and the National Weather Service for updates. There are some links below with info as to what’s going on in your neck of the woods.

This could be a chance for Rochester, Syracuse and Albany to melt away a little bit of the lead that Buffalo has over the cities right now. From what I am reading and it still looks like the temperatures may play a part in this storm is that

Buffalo is expecting anywhere from 5-9 inches of snow between now and Monday night and so far is just under a Winter Weather Advisory at last check but that could could change. As always, keep in mind I’m clueless so check with the pros for the latest updates on this storm.

Albany may win this round and they are predicting anywhere from 9-18 inches for Albany at last check through Monday night. Still hard to believe how tough Albany is hanging this season πŸ˜‰

Binghamton is under winter storm warning at last check and is expected to receive anywhere from 6 to 10 inches between now and Monday night. It will be interesting to see if Binghamton can pass Syracuse for the 2nd place slot on the snow hill.

Rochester is also under under a storm warning and is expecting to receive 8 to 12 inches of new snowfall. Can they move into the number 2 slot??? No doubt it’s time for them to make some kind of attack on the snow hill. HINT to Rochester, measure the snow before the jets start their engines and take off this time, I’m joking πŸ˜‰

Syracuse like Rochester really needs to get in on this snowball fight. It seems like just about every snow event this season both cities have had some kind of snow dome or umbrella up to keep the snow away. Some decent snow has been around them but they just can’t seem to bring it in. Maybe this time. Syracuse is under a winter snowstorm warning and is forecast at last check to get anywhere between 8 to 12 inches through Monday night. You can check out the latest warnings and watches by click on your city below.

Winter Snow Storm Warnings and Watches

Click Here for Albany Snow Storm Warnings

Binghamton Storm Warnings

Buffalo Watches and Warnings

Rochester Storm Watches and Warnings

Syracuse Snow Storm Warnings

Stay safe and take it easy on the roads as always πŸ™‚ See Snow – Take it Slow!

Updated 2/4 6:30 PM – I just got the latest update in for all of the Golden Snowball cities. Albany is not reporting this last update so it’s hard to tell if Rochester snowed it’s way out of last place or not. It comes down to whether Albany has any new snowfall to report. I’ll post new snow updates as they come in from the National Weather Service. For now we’ll take The Roc out of last place πŸ˜‰

I finally got a chance to update the snow totals from this latest round of snowfall and it looks like Rochester has dropped to the bottom of the snow hill again. I’ve also been seeing some controversy after reading around and looking at some of the snow totals from all of the areas all around Rochester.

You all know me and that I stay out of the controversy. OK, most of my friends and family will disagree with that last statement but I do try to on the site anyways πŸ˜‰ I came across one snow map that was showing all of the cities surrounding the Rochester area yesterday as I was looking around for some snow stats and they were all higher than what is being reported. I’ll leave it at that πŸ˜‰

Here are some totals from yesterday and also some of the storm totals for the 2 days. As always keep in mind my fuzzy math πŸ˜‰ All of the cities set a date record for yesterday except for Rochester. The first number is the new record and the last is the old record and the year it was set.

Date Snow Records That Were Broken Yesterday 2/3

Albany – 11.9 R – 5.5 1892
Binghamton – 8.8 R – 6.8 1956
Syracuse – 8.8 R – 7.0 1990
Buffalo – 8.2 R – 8.0 2013

Snow Storm Totals for All Cities From 2/1 thru 2/2

Buffalo – 2/1 4.4 – 2/2 8.2 Total = 12.6
Albany – 2/1 Trace – 2/2 11.9 Total = 11.9
Binghamton – 2/1 1.9 – 2/2 8.8 Total = 10.7
Syracuse – 2/1 1.2 – 2/2 8.8 Total = 10.0
Rochester – 2/1 2.3 – 2/2 6.1 Total = 8.4

I don’t see Rochester hanging at the bottom of the snow hill for too long. The snow contest is still close enough and it would only take a snowflake over 5 inches for Rochester to sled into second place. First place will take a whole lot more with the lead that Buffalo has right now. All in all it’s still a close snow race with plenty of time left in the snow season for any of the cities to win. Yes, even Albany πŸ˜‰

Have an Awesome Day all and I will probably get another update in a little later…

Updated 6 PM 1/2/2015 – After a big snow storm it there always seems to be one of the stations that show MM which means more or less not reporting πŸ™ . This last update it’s Rochester’s snow stats that we have to wait for. So in other words these are the latest snow totals as of around 4 PM for all of the cities except for The Roc.

So far depending on what Rochester has to report it looks like it will be either Buffalo or Albany winning this latest round in the snowball fight. Hard to tell if it’s still snowing around Albany and if they will have more to add. Either way it looks like Buffalo will be adding a little to their snow lead. Below are the snow stats from the snowstorm that hit yesterday and today for all of the cities except for Rochester. As always, keep in mind my fuzzy math πŸ˜‰

Buffalo – Yesterday 4.4 – Today 7.8 Total = 12.2
Albany – Yesterday Trace – Today 11.8 Total = 11.8
Binghamton – Yesterday 1.9 – Today 8.6 Total = 10.5
Syracuse – Yesterday 1.2 – Today 8.5 Total = 9.7
Rochester – Yesterday 2.3 – Today MM, not reporting?
Updated Noon 1/2/2015 – It looks like this latest snow storm has just about passed through all of the Golden Snowball cities except for Albany at last glance at the radar. Β It should be interesting to see which of the cities got the most snow this last round. Β Lets hope that it isn’t Buffalo because their lead continues to grow over the rest of us.

Below are the latest snow stats from the National Weather Service and keep in mind that these are as of yesterday, 2/1/2015 and don’t include the overnight snowfall that the cities received. So far Buffalo is winning this round but of course with the way this snow storm was moving Buffalo would have been first in the snow and first out. Stay tuned for when the early evening snow stats come out a little later..

Snow Totals as of 2/1/2015

* Buffalo – 4.4
* Rochester – 2.3
* Binghamton – 1.9
* Syracuse – 1.2
* Albany – Trace

The national snow contest has been getting pretty interesting the last couple of days also with a lot of cities jumping around. It will be interesting to see if Buffalo, Syracuse or Rochester can move up in the contest. You can check the Golden Snow Globe Contest out Here!

Have a Great Day Everyone πŸ™‚