3 comments on “Time To Melt Some of Buffalo’s Snow Lead Away

  1. UPDATE: NOAA revised the forecast for Albany since I looked this AM. Now calling for 3-5 total daytime accumulation vs 1-2 for ROC ( both locations are the Airports ). Still, with ROC coming from the last read with a 4.7″ lead, even if ROC only records 1″ and Albany 5″ ROC still stays ahead. Both ROC and Albany have a shot to leap BING though ( their Airport forecasts only 1″ total for today ).

    • Hey Bruce,

      Lol, I would never stick a fork into our good friends to the west of us πŸ˜‰ What I was saying in the post is that it’s going to be close and I still think it is. I have a feeling that most likely it will be Binghamton in last place as of now. I’m still waiting for their snow stats. After I mad that post someone in our Facebook group from The Roc mentioned how they got some snow over night and some today. I am still seeing storm totals for Albany at 8-14 inches. That’s storm totals. Right now as of this last update Albany is showing storm totals of something around 8.2 inches and it looks like it’s still snowing there. It’s looking right now like Rochester will move up to the 3rd spot this update but I am still waiting for Binghamton’s stats which should be anytime now.. The Roc is at 66.5 and Albany is at 61.1 as around 4 PM. I do like how we are making up some ground on Buffalo πŸ™‚

  2. Those totals look like what I was seeing this AM ( reported to NOAA at 7 or 8 AM ). Since then, ROC Airport has been getting steady snowfall with a good fluffy 3″ in the parking lots ( they haven’t plowed since 7:30 ) and there is little to no wind …. And, when I checked NOAA ( about 10:00 AM ) they predicted ROC should get 1-2 and Albany 1-3 additional today … that’s only a difference of 1″ for today so don’t stick a fork in ROC vs Albany yet.

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