Update 9:30 AM 3/13 – First off a big Thanks to Carol S. for your donation. It helps out a lot in offsetting costs and time put into the site. They all do and I really appreciate it Carol, Thank You 🙂
Well the storm is over and it didn’t change a whole lot as far as the lead goes. Both Buffalo and Syracuse got just about the same amount of snow the last couple of days. Rochester ended up winning this round but need 2- 3 more of those storms to get near the top and that’s only if they miss Buffalo and Syracuse. I don’t see that happening. Bingo stayed out of this round and Albany picked up a handful of snow.
This snow storm did put Rochester and Syracuse over their totals for the season so anything now is just a bonus, lol if that’s what we want to call it 🙂 So now 4 of the 5 cities are over their seasonal snow totals except for Binghamton who needs just 2 tenths of an inch to pass theirs.
This storm did make a pretty big difference in the National Snowiest Big City Contest in the country though. Syracuse has closed to within 2 inches of the leader which is Erie, Pa. Buffalo moved up into the number 3 spot on the snow mountain and Rochester is now in the top 5 snowiest cities in the US. You can check out the Nation Snow Contest here. Here is what I have for the cities for the storm totals or for the last couple of days.
Rochester – 16.2
Buffalo – 13.8
Syracuse – 13.6
Albany – 5.5
Binghamton – 0.4
Have an Awesome Weekend Everyone 🙂
Update 9:30 AM 3/13 – First keep in mind that the overnight snow hasn’t been reported yet and aren’t included in these totals. That said it looks like as of now anyway, that Buffalo has melted a little bit of Syracuse’s lead away. Syracuse was ahead by 8 inches before this last batch of snow came out of the freezer and now it’s just over 6 inches. Still a lot of time left for Buffalo to catch Da’Cuse 😉 Here are the snow totals for yesterday from NOAA. Looking at my driveway right now I’m guessing there will be more snow to add to the totals from the overnight snow so Stay Tuned. So far Rochester is winning this round and has gone over the 100 inch mark. Rochester is also finally starting to pull away from Binghamton and it will be interesting to see where they are in the National Snow Contest Here. Buffalo as of the last update has moved into the #3 spot on the snow mountain in that race to the top 😉
Rochester – 14.9
Buffalo – 13.8 which broke a date record set back in 1959 of 7.3 inches. WTG!
Syracuse – 12.1 inches of snow.
Update 10:30 PM 3/12 – I’m starting to think that the snow contest could get really interesting come tomorrow. I’m hearing that Buffalo’s snow totals for today may be at 13.5 inches right now. Depending on what happens during the overnight Buffalo has a good chance at moving even closer to the top of the snow hill and who know what else 😉
Update 7:00 PM 3/12 – Just updated all of the cities and the snow race just got tighter. Both Buffalo and Rochester picked up just a little bit more snow than Syracuse but remember that every inch is big this late into the season. Here is what has been reported so far today.
Buffalo – 9.4
Rochester – 8.2
Syracuse – 8.0
Update 3:00 PM 3/12 – Steady snow in the Syracuse area with heavier snow expected anytime now. The winds have been quiet so far but are also expected to pick up soon. The last 2 hourly measurements I took it was snowing at a rate of 1 1/2 inches per hour. I was just watching Rochester on the weather channel and no doubt they are in a blizzard and it is nasty. How has the snow storm been where you are right now? Stay Safe and take it slow all… I will be getting an update posted when the new NOAA stats come out in awhile, normally between 5-6 PM. Should be interesting and stay tuned..
I’m sure most of you have already heard about the new snow storm that is going to hit sometime in the wee hours of tonight and tomorrow. I’ve been reading around and seeing all kind of forecasts for different amounts of snow that the Golden Snowball cities will be getting. Syracuse has a slight lead over Buffalo right now of 8 inches and if I were a betting man, oh yeah, I am 😉 I would be putting my money on Rochester I think for this round.
I’m also betting that Buffalo will be able to melt away some of the lead that Syracuse has right now and who knows, just a little shift in the storm and Buffalo could be the new king of the Snow Hill come the end of Thursday. I think it will also be interesting to see how much if any lake effect starts up when the cold air comes through.
Here is what we saw at last check of what NOAA was predicting. 18-24 inches of snow for Rochester, 14 – 18 inches for Buffalo, 8 – 14 inches for Syracuse and I’m not seeing anything for Albany. Below are some links to the national weather service and a map of the Buffalo – Rochester area. KEEP IN MIND – all of this could change and keep checking with the pros at your local stations or the links below for the most recent updates. Be smart and take it slow and stay safe everyone 😉
Syracuse, NY – Watch from Wed, 5 AM – Thurs. 10 AM 10 – 14 inches as of now.
Click Here for Current Storm Updates for Syracuse
Buffalo, NY – Winter Storm Warning from Wed, 2 AM – Thurs. 2 AM 14 – 18 inches expected.
Click Here for Current Storm Updates for Buffalo, NY
Rochester, NY – Winter Storm Warning from Wed. 5 AM – Thurs. 5 AM 18 – 24 inches expected.
Click Here for Storm Updates for Rochester

Buffalo and Rochester Expected Snowfall - NOAA
See Snow Drive Slow!!!