albany snow

All posts tagged albany snow

Updated 12/10 – 11:30 PM – Syracuse is reporting 11.5 inches so far for today as of 10 PM. I’m holding off on moving both Syracuse and Binghamton up the snow hill for the fact that the other 3 cities haven’t reported yet as I’m typing and their stats won’t come out until tomorrow, early morning. I’m looking forward to seeing which city is in the lead come morning. I’ll do an update when I wake up. Ummm, Just a heads up that I tend to sleep in every now and then 😉 Drive careful everyone…

Updated 12/10 6 PM – Syracuse is winning this round of snowfall so far and has slid into the second place slot on the hill as of the last update. Below are the snow stats that are being reported for yesterday and today. Keep in mind that Albany isn’t reporting this update.

Syracuse – 11.6
Binghamton – 7.1
Rochester – 3.6
Albany – 3.6 Yesterday, Not Reporting for Today
Buffalo – Trace

Updated – 12/10 10:30 AM – Albany slips past Binghamton and moves into second place on the snow hill. I think it’s going to be really interesting to see which city is in the lead by the time this storm is over 🙂 .

Well the snow is finally falling in CNY and it looks like Rochester may be getting in on the fun too. The roads are slick so take it slow. Here is a good up date of some official and nonofficial snow stats measure across NY in the areas that the snow has been falling. Because of the temperatures the snow got a later start than I think was expected so we’ll have to wait and see if we all can make up for it.

Snow Storm Damon Totals so far from the National Weather Service


Another snow storm is heading up the coast and heading our way and this storm may help Syracuse’s and Binghamton’s snow totals out.  Snow storm Damon is expected to drop several inches and maybe up to a foot of new snow around the Syracuse and Binghamton area.  As always, these storms are hard for the pros to predict because the path of the storm can change plus it also depends on whether the temps stay above or below freezing.

Keep in mind also as always, we are clueless here so check with your favorite forecasters the next few days for your area.  Below are some links to the National Weather Service with the latest snow storm watches and warnings.  Most likely I’ll be updating this section with all of the cities new snow totals as they come in.

It will be interesting to see if the storm moves to the west enough to help Rochester and Buffalo add some snow to their totals.  I think Albany will get something and how much will depend on when it changes over from rain to snow. Right now Buffalo, Rochester and Albany are under Storm watches while Syracuse and Binghamton are under storm warnings. Watches means mean the potential is there so keep an eye on what’s going on. Warnings mean the storm is expected to pan out. Not exactly in those words but I’m sure you get my drift 😉

Nor'easter Snow Storm Damon Syracuse and Binghamton, NY

AGAIN, clueless is typing this 😉  From reading around it looks like it will start with rain in some of the cities, maybe trow in a mix of freezing rain and then switch over to snow as the temps drop.  Check below for the snow storm warnings and estimated time of the arrival of storm Damon.  

Snow Storm Watches and Warnings

Click Here for Albany, NY

Binghamton Storm Warnings

Buffalo Watches and Warnings

Rochester Storm Watches and Warnings

Syracuse Snow Storm Warnings

Stay safe and take it easy on the roads as always 🙂 See Snow – Take it Slow!

I want to thank Web Architechs for your donation to the website. I appreciate all of the donations I have received and they do help out a lot 😉 Thanks for taking the time…

Buffalo continues to stand on top of the snow hill with just a little over half a foot of snow more than second place Binghamton. I think the fun part so far this season is watching Syracuse and Rochester battling to stay out of last place and seeing Albany ahead of them both in third place right now.

Rochester slipped down a spot from fourth place to the bottom of the snow pit the last couple of days giving Syracuse a break from total embarrassment 😉 Now it’s Rochester’s turn and both of the cities should be embarrassed to be behind Albany which is normally where people take a vacation to get away from the snow.

I give credit to Albany though and don’t get too used to that, they were the only city to add to their snow totals this update picking up another 0.3 of an inch since the last update. It could get even better come the middle of next week. I’m starting to hear rumors and read about another possible coastal storm come sometime Tuesday/Wednesday next week.

From what I have read and as always with these storms it’s WAY to early to tell if it will pan out and if it does, which way the storm will track and whether it will be rain, mix or snow. Something you all may want to keep an eye on though. It seems like they tend to help Binghamton and Albany pick up some decent snowfall when they do hit like the last storm did. Maybe Albany can slide to the top of the snow hill?

There was a recent article in the Buffalo News about Buffalo’s snowfall and both of the snow contests.  Thanks for the phone chat and the mention TJ 😉

Buffalo is in 3rd place right now in the National snow contest and Syracuse has finally slipped into the top 10.  Just a couple of sneezes from Mother Nature and Rochester should be able to jump into the top 10 also in the National Snow Contest

Have an Awesome Weekend Everyone 🙂

First a Big Thanks to Emily R for your donation to the snow site. It helps a lot and as always I truly appreciate it 🙂
Updated 7 pm Thanksgiving Night – Wow, Rochester managed to stay out of last place by 0.1 of an inch and Da’Cuse stays in last place in the snow contest. Binghamton keeps closing in on Buffalo who is now only just a few inches ahead of them. One good blast to any of the cities could move them into the top spot 🙂

One thing I have noticed the last couple of days is that this about the the same time that the snow started falling last season in most of the cities. A great start to the new 2014 – 2015 Golden Snoball Contest 😉

Have a great Thanksgiving night all and a couple of words come to mind. Pepto Bismol 🙂

Updated Noon Thanksgiving Day – Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families 😉

Both Albany and Binghamton set records for the date yesterday. Albany reported 9.6 inches of new snow breaking the old record of 4.9 inches set in 1888. Wow, that’s an old record to beat.. Binghamton had 9.0 inches beating the old record set in 1977 which was 8.7 inches.

Both Albany and Binghamton climbed up the snow hill to take the number 2 and 3 slot on the hill. Last seasons snow champ is now officially in dead last 😉

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving All 🙂

Updated 11/26 6 PM – I just updated the snow stats and almost as planned both Albany and Binghamton are doing good with this storm. Binghamton has managed to move up to the number 2 slot passing both Syracuse and Rochester on the snow hill and has actually received more snow than Albany so far. WTG Bingo 😉

Albany has pushed Syracuse to the bottom of the snow contest (snicker) picking up 9.6 inches of new snowfall so far. They also broke a date record that goes all the way back to 1888. The old record was 4.9 inches set back in 1988 and so far Albany has 5 inches and still counting. WTG Albany! It will be interesting to see where all of the cities are come the next update 😉

Look out Albany, it looks like it’s your turn for a change 😉 First and far most take this snow storm seriously and take it slow on the roads if you are traveling. The chances are the roads will be getting pretty nasty sometime soon. Also please leave a comment if you get a chance to let us know if and how hard it is snowing in your neck of the woods.

Albany looks to win this round of snowfall or is that lose this round although Binghamton may have something to say about that. From what I have been reading, Albany is pretty much in the middle of the Nor’easter that has been set up along the coast. I have been reading that Albany is expecting at least 8 inches of new snowfall from this snow storm. I don’t think Albany will get enough snow to slip past Buffalo’s snow totals but they should have a good chance at being in the second slot on the snow hill by the time Mother Nature is done dropping the white gold on them 😉

Binghamton could make out from this storm also. I’m no expert so check with the pros to see whats going on and what is forecast for today and tonight. Below you will find a couple of links to The National Weather Service that have the latest winter storm warnings for Albany and Binghamton.

It could be a close race for last place too. Syracuse is expected to get a few inches so if everything goes accordingly, which it never does, it could be Syracuse and Rochester fighting for the last place spot on the snow hill 😉

I’ll be keeping this post updated as best I can as the snow stats start to come in from the National Weather Service. If you have a chance, please let us know what’s going on in your area and Remember, See Snow – Drive Slow. Stay tuned for a later day update.

Click Here for The Latest Snow Storm Warnings From The National Weather Service for Albany!
Click Here for latest snow storm warnings from the Binghamton National Weather Service!

Have a Great Day Everyone!

It’s starting to look like it’s just a matter of time if not hours before some of us if not most will have our first measurable snowfall of the season.  Binghamton has been holding onto that hefty lead of 0.2 inches of snowfall for awhile now while the rest of us are only showing a trace of snowfall.

Snow is in the forecast for all of the cities the next few days so which city do you think be the next to lead or will Bingo hang on to the top spot on the snow hill?

I was just reading around and came across a fun quiz on that Glenn Coin put out.  Of course being the Oracle I scored 100 (NOT 🙁 ).  A couple of the questions were a bit tricky but give it a shot if you think you know about Syracuse weather.  Oh and let me know how you did.  You can take the Syracuse Winter Quiz Here at .

As for the National Golden Snow Globe contest things are heating up. OK, that doesn’t make sense and let’s say things are freezing up with all of the cold air moving across the country. We went from 9 cities with measurable snowfall to I think around 18 as of yesterdays update. You can check that out Here at the National Golden Snow Globe Contest.

According to section 13, rule #6 – the snow contest will end on the last day of April it’s time to yell out those famous words, IT’S A WRAP.  Congratulations Syracuse on winning the 2013 – 2014 Golden Snowball Contest.  WTG Syracuse! 🙂

I have to give Kudos to Buffalo who came up just a little over a couple of inches short this season.  This seasons snow contest was the closest it’s been since the resurrection of the Golden Snowball contest.  The next closest snow race was back in the 2007 – 2008 when Syracuse bested Rochester by just 3.1 inches of snow.

This seasons victory gives Syracuse it’s second consecutive win since being topped by Rochester in the 2011 – 2012 snow season.  I was thinking that Buffalo was going to slip ahead a few times at the end but they just couldn’t pull a couple of more inches from Father Winter.  Buffalo’s last couple of seasons have been pretty wimpy as far as snow goes but this season was their highest snow total since the 2001 – 2002 season.

OK, as for section 13, rule #6, Nah, doesn’t exist although I kind of wish it did.  Several years back we agreed that the contest would be called on May 1st no matter how close the race is.  You can read my thoughts on that in a post below.  I did call two of the stations with the National Weather Service to get a little bit of input last night.  Both agreed that the chances are pretty slim that Buffalo will get more than a couple of inches this late in the year.  Buffalo has only had 4 seasons out of something like the past 130 years where they received over 2 inches in May.  One of the guys said it was probably less that a 5% chance of it happening and the last time was in 1989.  Of course now that I said that we all know it will happen.  Let’s hope not and let’s hope we all move into the nice warm, sunny weather pattern for the summer.

Thanks to all of you who visited the GSB site this season and a Big Thanks to those of you who took the time to drop some of your hard earned money by leaving a donation to the site.  I truly appreciate it 😉  A big Thanks also to the media, Sean and the others who cover the snow contest each season to make it grow every year.

You may want to check out the National Snow Contest at

A Big Congrats to Syracuse, Winner of the 2013 – 2014 Golden Snowball Trophy!  Have an awesome spring and summer everyone.

Updated 2/27 6:00 PM – Buffalo took this last round and closed in on the 6 inch lead that Syracuse had.  As of right now Buffalo only trails last seasons snow champ by 2 inches.  It doesn’t get much closer than that.  Go Buffalo 🙂


Syracuse has added a few more snowflakes to their snow totals but Buffalo doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon. Right now it’s just a 6 inch lead for the defending snow champs Syracuse which we all know is nothing at this time in the snow season. That lead could change with just one snow event hitting Buffalo and missing Syracuse. Unfortunately for Buffalo is that they have been stuck at 99.1 inches for awhile now. The same thing happened to Syracuse when they were stuck at 99.9 inches.

One thing that has stood out the last couple of updates is the difference in snow totals for all of the cities from this snow season to last seasons. Buffalo, Binghamton and Albany really stand out and what a difference a season makes. Buffalo as of today has 99.1 inches of snow compared to last season at this time when they had only 47.6 inches. That’s 51.5 inches of snow more than they did this time last season. What they are over so far is more than what Buffalo had last season 🙂 Plus Buffalo is 22 inches over their normal snow totals for this date.

Albany and Binghamton both stand out also. Albany has 37.9 inches of snow more than this time last season and Binghamton has 31.6 inches more than last season. Both cities are also just about 20 inches over their normal snowfall to date. Syracuse and Rochester are right around their normal snowfall for this time in the season give or take a few inches.

I was reading around the NOAA website and it’s looking like the long term, next 10 days or so are suppose to be colder than normal. Just what we want to hear huh? Plus I was reading something about some possible storms for the beginning of March. It’s way too early for the National Weather Service to predict that far out but as we get closer to March it may get interesting in the Golden Snowball contest. Is anyone ready for Spring yet? Hopefully come April 😉

Have a Great Day All 🙂