binghamton snow

All posts tagged binghamton snow


Congrats Buffalo, New York on unofficially winning the NY Golden Snowball virtual trophy 🙂 Remember, the snow season goes on until the last second of July 30th. So nothing is official until The National Weather Service posts the final snow totals. Unless some really crazy weather happens (It Won’t) Buffalo will be the official winner. I’ll try and do an end-of-the-season summery in the next day or two.

All Buffalo, NY had to do this season was to be close to their yearly average at the end of the season to win, and they were. Buffalo was the only city out of the 5 to hit their normal season snow totals 🙁

I would have felt calling it a week or so ago like some others did but the snow was still in the forecast and let’s face it, this snow season has been a crazy rollercoaster of temperatures and snow. The weather is still riding the rollercoaster it looks like but the temps should be a little too warm for much snow. JMO 🙂

Meanwhile, check out the Awesome graph below that Jim Kulak made for the contest and let us use it. It pretty much sums up the snow season for Buffalo, Rochester, Binghamton, Syracuse and Albany. Check it out!  Thanks, Jim, I appreciate it 🙂

The snow stats below show how much snow on average each city receives between May 1st and June 30th. It also shows the most snow between May and June for each city. Nothing is impossible but it will take record snow for Rochester or any other city at this time to pass Buffalo.

Most Snow and Average Snow for May Thru June (National Weather Service)

Highest – 10.9 inches.
Noraml – 0.1

Buffalo –
Highest – 7.9
Normal – 0.0

Binghamton –
Highest – 3.4
Lowest – 0.1

Syracuse –
Highesr – 5.0
Lowest – 0.1

Albany –
Highest – 5.4
Lowest – 0.1

I’ll be adding to this post as the days go by and I will be adding any new snow that may fall to the city totals.  If you enjoyed the snow site and the time that goes into keeping it up to date, Please click on the donate buttons to make a donation to the site.  They Help A LOT!!!   You don’t have to join Pay Pal and they do accept most credit cards.  Thanks in advance and it’s been a Fun snow season.  A little boring as far as the amount of snow this season but still Fun.

Click Here For the latest snow stats!

Four Cities Start Off The 2019-2020 Snow Contest

Buffalo, Binghamton, Rochester, and Syracuse are all reporting their first measurable snow for the new 2019-2020 snow season. This season is starting up a little later than the 2018-2019 snow season did. Last season the Golden Snowball snow contest started on or around October 22nd. Buffalo is the defending Champ this season out snowing all of the other cities with 118.8 inches of snow last season. Buffalo also won the National Golden Snow Globe snow contest for big cities in the United States. It should be a fun, longgggg snow season ahead 🙂

Buffalo is tied with Binghamton right now followed by Rochester and Syracuse. Albany hasn’t reported any snow yet today. I’m guessing that the snow totals will change by tomorrow’s update. Syracuse is the favorite at the start of each season normally followed by Rochester, then Buffalo, then Binghamton and I suppose Albany. Albany is the only city that has never won the Golden Snowball snow contest and I don’t see that changing in my lifetime. Just think out loud 😛

More Snow Next Week Maybe

I’m starting to hear some rumors about maybe some decent snow come early next week. I haven’t had a chance to read up on it yet and to be honest, it’s a little too early right now but it could be something to keep an eye on. So, the snow season is just beginning and it should be a lot of fun. It always is and all of you that visit the site and respond make it fun.

We have a FaceBook page that is pretty active during the winter months and you should check it out and join. It’s a great mix of people of all ages, both men and women, snow lovers and snow haters. You can join the snow group which is for both the New York snow contest and the National snow contest here at

For the latest snow stats click here for the Golden Snowball snow contest. Have a fun, safe winter everyone and as always, if you see snow, drive slow. Stay Safe All 😉

Let The 2018-2019 Golden Snowball Snow Games Begin

Binghamton and Rochester both received measurable snowfall today, 10/18 with just enough snow to start up the new snow season. Way to go and I bet everyone can’t wait for the real snow to begin 🙂 Current standings here!

It’s a little earlier than last season when Buffalo started up the snow season and the Golden Snowball snow contest. Last season Buffalo started up the New York snow contest on or around 10/31, Halloween, with a tenth of an inch of snow.

I’ve been reading different winter forecasts as to how this winter will shape up and I’ll have the Golden Snowball winter outlook posted sometime soon. You won’t want to miss it. Nevermind NOAA’s and the Farmers Almanac 😉 Stay tuned and have a fun safe snowy season all 😉

Syracuse Wins The Golden Snowball Snow Contest

Congratulations Syracuse, New York on winning the 2017-2018 Golden Snowball snow contest. Syracuse is once again the king of the snow hill taking the crown back from last seasons snow champs, Binghamton, NY. Last season Binghamton, NY out snowed Syracuse by 3 tenths of an inch 🙂

This season Syracuse showed up with a total of 153.6 inches of snow to date. Syracuse beat 2nd place Rochester by over 30 inches and beat 3rd place Buffalo, NY by more than 40 inches. Keep in mind that the season doesn’t end until the last day of June so I will continue to keep track of any new snow that falls and add them to the snow totals. I’m guessing most people are ready to say enough already 🙂

Buffalo started the 2017-2018 snow season off on or around 10/31/17 with 0.1 inches. Rochester took over the top spot around 11/10/17 with 1.5 inches and held on to the lead until around 11/20/17 when Syracuse slid to the top with a snow total of 5.2 inches.

The beginning of December was pretty quiet snow wise until around 12/10/17 when Buffalo regained the lead with a total of 5.9 inches.

Syracuse took the lead back on 12/12/17 and had a total of 12.4 inches. Syracuse continued to add to their lead but it was still a close snow race when we went into January. Both Buffalo and Rochester were hanging close to Syracuse but Syracuse started to pull away from all of the cities throughout January.

Syracuse never looked back after taking the lead on 12/12 and held the lead throughout the season. I didn’t realize that Syracuse held the lead that long until I just looked at the season’s snow stats. WOW! Syracuse went into February with an almost 2 foot lead over 2nd place Rochester.

March started out pretty slow but the snow started picking up around March 10th. By March 21st, Syracuse’s snow totals were at 151.1 inches and Syracuse was besting Rochester by almost 3 feet of snow. Not a whole lot of snow fell after that and that was pretty much the end of the season other than an inch here and there 😉

It’s been a fun snow season and I think we are all ready to see some real Spring weather now. I want to say Thanks for making it a fun season and a Big Thanks to those of you who took the time to make a donation to the snow sites. I appreciated it 😉 Like I mentioned above, if it snows I’ll be adding it to the totals and nothing is official until the end of June 😉

Have a great Spring All! I’ll see you all in about, ummm, 4 months 😛

First off as always, a Big Thanks to Kathleen O. for your recent donation. I really appreciate you taking the time Kathleen and also the kind words. Thank You 🙂

Syracuse, NY Snows Into The Lead in Golden Snowball Snow Contest

Congrats to Syracuse on slipping past Buffalo and Rochester the last couple of days. All of the cities were pretty far behind what their normal average snowfall should be for this time in the season.

Syracuse broke a date snow record for today already with 8.8 inches of snow being reported so far beating the old record of 5.9 inches which goes back to 1951. That was enough snow to put Syracuse in the lead in the National Golden Snow Globe snow contest also. Erie, PA was winning the National snow contest which is for the bigger cities with a population of 100,000 or more as of the 2010 census. You can check out the Top 25 snowiest Big cities in the United States at

I think we are going to see a lot of lead changes this snow season and it looks like Buffalo is ready to join in the snowball fights this season. Buffalo is way overdue to have a decent snow season and it should be a fun one at that 🙂

Have a Great Night All and Be Safe On The Roads 🙂

Rochester Slips Past Buffalo, Leads Snow Contest

Updated 12/11 7 PM – First off as always I just want to give a big Thanks to Faye H. for your recent donation and the first one of the season. Thanks for also pointing out something that I needed to change on the site. I appreciate you taking the time Faye 🙂
It was a short visit to the top of the Golden Snowball contest for Buffalo. Buffalo knocked Syracuse out of first place yesterday and today it’s Rochester’s turn to knock Buffalo out of the top spot. As of this last update, Rochester leads the Golden Snowball snow contest. WTG Roc 🙂

Buffalo slid down to second place but is only 3 tenths of an inch behind Rochester. Syracuse dropped all the way down to the number 3 spot on the snow hill. The good news is, we will probably be seeing more changes in the next few days because I’m seeing a lot of reports of maybe a lot of snow which should be starting pretty soon if it hasn’t already in some of the cities. Stay safe and of course check with your local weather pros for the latest watches, warnings and forecasts.

Have a great night all 🙂

Buffalo Leads Golden Snowball Snow Contest

I had a feeling that after watching the snowy Buffalo Bills game against the Indianapolis Colts that Buffalo was going to snow ahead of Syracuse in the New York Golden Snowball snow contest and they did. Buffalo also won the game playing in the snow which was fun to watch. WTG Buffalo 🙂

Buffalo leads Syracuse by 0.6 of an inch as of this last update and I’m guessing they will probably be adding more snow to their lead when the next update comes out tomorrow. Albany was in a tie with Rochester as of yesterdays snow stats but Rochester wasn’t having any of that and got enough snow to hold on to the 3rd place spot on the snow hill by themselves.

Last Seasons Snow Champs and Snowy Season

Binghamton which is the defending snow champs from last season, the 2016-2017 snow season is in dead last right now. It has to be lonely at the bottom of the Golden Snowball hill 🙂 Binghamton had an awesome snow season last season and broke a ton of snow records for the city including the hardest to break, their highest seasonal snowfall totals on record. Right now Binghamton has 2.1 inches of snow compared to 40.3 inches on this date last season. What a difference a season makes but it’s still early.

Last season at this time in Binghamton was leading the Golden Snowball snow contest and Buffalo was in last place. The total opposite this season and you know what that means. OK, I don’t have a clue what that means but I do know it should be a fun snow season ahead and it’s only just begun.

Have a Great Night All 🙂